Connect Persistent Orgs

In addition to creating scratch orgs in CumulusCI, you can connect persistent orgs to your project to run tasks and flows on them. This feature supports use cases such as deploying to a Developer Edition org to release a package version, or installing to a sandbox for user acceptance testing.


A different setup is required to connect to orgs in the context of an automated build. See continuous integration for more information.

The org connect Command

To connect to a persistent org:

$ cci org connect <org_name>

This command automatically opens a browser window pointed to a Salesforce login page. The provided <org_name> is the alias that CumulusCI will assign to the persistent org.


Connecting an org via cci org connect does not expose that org to the Salesforce CLI.

If your org has a custom domain, use the --login-url option along with the corresponding login url.

cci org connect <org_name> --login-url

Production and Developer Edition Orgs

No options are needed for these org types. Just run the same command you normally would to connect to a persistent org.

$ cci org connect <org_name>


For sandboxes, pass the --sandbox flag along with the org name.

$ cci org connect <org_name> --sandbox


The --sandbox flag can also be used for connecting a scratch org created externally to CumulusCI.

Verify Your Connected Orgs

Run cci org list to see your org listed under the “Connected Org” table. This example output shows a single persistent org connected to CumulusCI with the name devhub.

$ cci org list

┌Scratch Orgs──────────────┬─────────┬──────┬─────────┬──────────────┬────────┐
│ Name                     │ Default │ Days │ Expired │ Config       │ Domain │
│ dev                      │         │ 7    │ X       | dev          │        │
│ feature                  │         │ 1    │ X       | feature      │        │
│ prerelease               │         │ 1    │ X       | prerelease   │        │
│ qa                       │         │ 7    │ X       | qa           │        │
│ release                  │         │ 1    │ X       | release      │        │

┌Connected Orgs────┬──────────────────────────────┬────────────┐
│ Name   │ Default │ Username                     │ Expires    │
│ devhub │         │ j.holt@mydomain.devhub       │ Persistent │

Verify a successful connection to the org by logging in.

$ cci org browser <org_name>

Global Orgs

By default, cci org connect stores the OAuth credentials for connected orgs in a project-specific keychain. Using a project-specific keychain means that an org connected in Project A’s directory isn’t available when you’re working in Project B’s directory.

Connect an org and make it available to all CumulusCI projects on your computer by passing the --global-org flag.

$ cci org connect <org_name> --global-org

Use a Custom Connected App

CumulusCI uses a preconfigured Connected App to authenticate to Salesforce orgs that use OAuth2. In most cases this preconfigured app is all you need to authenticate into orgs. To control the Connected App for specific security or compliance requirements (such as adding a private key to sign a certificate connected with the configuration, or enforcing restrictions on user activity), create your own Connected App and configure CumulusCI to use it when connecting to orgs.

To create a custom Connected App, run the connected_app task, and then manually edit its configuration to suit your requirements.


Make sure to create the Connected App in a production org!

This command will create a Connected App in the Dev Hub org connected to sfdx, and connect it to CumulusCI as a connected_app service named custom.

$ cci task run connected_app --label custom --connect true

After running this task, cci service list should show that the custom connected_app service exists.

$ cci service list

Default   Type              Name         Description
✔         connected_app     built-in     A Connected App is required to connect to and run commands
                                         against persistent orgs. See
                                         en/latest/connected-orgs.html#use-a-custom-connected-app for
                                         more info.
          connected_app     custom       A Connected App is required to connect to and run commands
                                         against persistent orgs. See
                                         en/latest/connected-orgs.html#use-a-custom-connected-app for
                                         more info.

Use the --connected_app option to connect an org using the custom connected app:

$ cci org connect <org_name> --connected_app custom

To edit the Connected App’s OAuth scopes:

  1. In Lightning Experience, go to Setup –> Apps –> Apps Manager.

  2. Click the arrow on the far right side of the row that pertains to the newly created Connected App.

  3. Click “Edit.”

  4. Add or remove OAuth scopes as desired. CumulusCI requires the api, full, and refresh_token scopes.

For a full list of options, run the connected_app task reference documentation.