Testing with Second-Generation Packaging

CumulusCI makes it easy to harness the power of second-generation managed packages to implement an advanced, comprehensive testing process for both first- and second-generation managed package products.

This process yields multiple benefits:

  • You can test managed packages as managed packages, but before merging code.

  • You gain the ability to perform end-to-end testing across applications that span multiple packages earlier in the development lifecycle.

  • For existing 1GP products, it also allows for the creation of a full-scale 2GP testing and development framework before migrating products from 1GP to 2GP. Migration, when generally available, will be much easier because products are already being tested as 2GPs.

Salesforce.org is actively using this process for feature-level testing and end-to-end testing of dozens of existing first-generation packages, while preparing for the migration into second-generation packaging. This process is also applicable for testing products that started as second-generation packages.

Building 2GP Beta Packages in Continuous Integration

Any managed package product - first or second generation - can use CumulusCI automation to build and test 2GP beta packages. The out-of-the-box flow build_feature_test_package can be run on any commit. This flow builds a 2GP beta package using an alternate package name (which defaults to <project name> Managed Feature Test, reflecting its intended role in supporting feature-branch testing) but with the same namespace as the main package.

The 2GP test package is also built using the Skip Validation option, which defers validation of the package until install time. Skipping validation ensures that feature test packages build extremely quickly, and also avoids locking in dependency versions - making it easy to achieve complex end-to-end testing workflows, as described in End-to-End Testing with Second-Generation Packages.

CumulusCI stores data about feature test packages in GitHub commit-status messages. When the build_feature_test_package flow completes successfully, the 04t id of the created package version is stored in the “Build Feature Test Package” commit status on GitHub. Testing and 2GP build flows can acquire the package version from this store.

2GP Tests for Feature Branches

The ci_feature_2gp flow parallels ci_feature, which is used for unmanaged feature testing in continuous integration, but uses a 2GP feature test package instead of deploying the project unmanaged.

When executed on a specific commit, the flow acquires a 2GP feature test package id from the “Build Feature Test Package” commit status on that commit. It installs that package, then executes Apex unit tests.


The ci_feature_2gp flow is intended for use after the build_feature_test_package flow. On MetaCI, this is implemented by using a Commit Status trigger to run ci_feature_2gp; on other CI systems, a ci_feature_2gp build may be made dependent on a build_feature_test_package build.

Running 2GP tests in CI can replace the use of namespaced scratch orgs for most automated testing objectives. 2GP testing orgs provide a more accurate representation of how namespaces are applied and how metadata will behave once packaged, making it possible to catch packaging-related issues before code is merged to the main branch or deployed to a 1GP packaging org.


Component coverage for first- and second-generation packages is very similar, but some projects may use components with differing behaviors. Consult the Metadata Coverage Report with any questions.

Manual QA can be executed on feature branches via the flow qa_org_2gp, which operates just like ci_feature_2gp but which also executes config_qa to prepare an org for manual testing. Similarly, Robot tests may be executed against 2GP orgs by running qa_org_2gp instead of qa_org before invoking robot.

End-to-End Testing with Second-Generation Packages

The qa_org_2gp flow allows for performing manual and automated end-to-end tests of multi-package products sooner in the development lifecycle then was previously possible. Take the following example:

  • Product B has a dependency on Product A.

  • Product B is developing a new feature that is dependent on a new feature being developed for Product A.

Without the ability to test with 2GP packages, end-to-end testing on Product A and B’s linked features could only occur once both products have moved significantly forward in the development lifecycle:

  • Both A and B merge their feature work into their main branch in a source control system.

  • New feature metadata is uploaded to the packaging org, if the products are 1GPs.

  • New beta versions for both Product A and B are created

  • In many cases, a production release for Product A must also be created to satisfy B’s dependency, if the packages are 1GPs.

Once all of the steps above have occurred, end-to-end testing with new managed package versions can take place. However, if any errors are found at this point the entire process has to start over again, and first-generation packages may have already incurred component lock-in. With 2GP testing, this is no longer the case.

Instead, a tester may execute the qa_org_2gp flow from a feature branch in the repository of Product B. The following will occur:

  1. CumulusCI resolves dependencies as they are defined Product B’s cumulusci.yml file, using the commit_status resolution strategy. CumulusCI matches the current branch and release against branches in the upstream dependencies to locate the most relevant 2GP packages for this testing process. See Controlling GitHub Dependency Resolution for more details.

  2. CumulusCI installs suitable 2GP feature test packages for Product A and any other dependencies, if found, or falls back to 1GP packages if not found.

  3. CumulusCI installs a Project B 2GP feature test package, sourced from a GitHub commit status on the current commit. (The commit must have been pushed, and build_feature_test_package must have run successfully).

  4. Finally, CumulusCI executes the config_qa flow to prepare the org for use in testing.

This allows for full end-to-end testing of features that have inter-package-dependencies prior to the merging of code to any long-lived branches (e.g. a release branch or main). Because CumulusCI defaults to building packages using Skip Validation, any suitable 2GP feature test package installed for Project A may satisfy the dependency, making it possible to test feature development without committing to package version numbers or specific dependency versions.

The process, backed by second-generation packaging, maximizes the utility of feature-level testing processes for both first- and second-generation packages, while helping prepare first-generation packages to migrate to 2GP once migration becomes generally available.