=============== Tasks Reference =============== .. _activate-flow: activate_flow ========================================== **Description:** Activates Flows identified by a given list of Developer Names **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.activate_flow.ActivateFlow Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run activate_flow`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--developer_names DEVELOPERNAMES`` List of DeveloperNames to query in SOQL *Required* ``--status STATUS`` Flag to check whether to activate or deactivate the flow Default: True .. _deactivate-flow: deactivate_flow ========================================== **Description:** deactivates Flows identified by a given list of Developer Names **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.activate_flow.ActivateFlow Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deactivate_flow`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--developer_names DEVELOPERNAMES`` List of DeveloperNames to query in SOQL *Required* ``--status STATUS`` Flag to check whether to activate or deactivate the flow *Optional* .. _add-page-layout-related-lists: add_page_layout_related_lists ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified Related List to one or more Page Layouts. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.AddRelatedLists Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_page_layout_related_lists`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--related_list RELATEDLIST`` Name of the Related List to include *Required* ``--fields FIELDS`` Array of field API names to include in the related list *Optional* ``--exclude_buttons EXCLUDEBUTTONS`` Array of button names to suppress from the related list *Optional* ``--custom_buttons CUSTOMBUTTONS`` Array of button names to add to the related list *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-page-layout-fields: add_page_layout_fields ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified Fields or Visualforce Pages to a Page Layout. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.layouts.AddFieldsToPageLayout Inserts the listed fields or Visualforce pages into page layouts specified by API name. If the targeted item already exists, the layout metadata is not modified. You may supply a single position option, or multiple options for both pages and fields. The first option to to be matched will be used. Task option details: - fields: - api_name: [field API name] - required: Boolean (default False) - read_only: Boolean (default False, not compatible with required) - position: (Optional: A list of single or multiple position options.) - relative: [before | after | top | bottom] - field: [api_name] (Use with relative: before, after) - section: [index] (Use with relative: top, bottom) - column: [first | last] (Use with relative: top, bottom) - pages: - api_name: [Visualforce Page API name] - height: int (Optional. Default: 200) - show_label: Boolean (Optional. Default: False) - show_scrollbars: Boolean (Optional. Default: False) - width: 0-100% (Optional. Default: 100%) - position: (Optional: A list of single or multiple position options.) - relative: [before | after | top | bottom] - field: [api_name] (Use with relative: before, after) - section: [index] (Use with relative: top, bottom) - column: [first | last] (Use with relative: top, bottom) Example Usage ----------------------- .. code-block:: yaml task: add_page_layout_fields options: api_names: "Contact-Contact Layout" fields: - api_name: Giving_Level__c position: - relative: bottom section: 0 column: first - api_name: Previous_Giving_Level__c position: - relative: bottom section: 0 column: last ui_options: name: Add custom giving fields to Contact Layout Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_page_layout_fields`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--fields FIELDS`` List of fields. See task info for structure. *Optional* ``--pages PAGES`` List of Visualforce Pages. See task info for structure. *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-profile-ip-ranges: add_profile_ip_ranges ========================================== **Description:** Adds (or optionally replaces) IP Login Ranges to the specified Profiles. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.permissions.AddIPRanges Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_profile_ip_ranges`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--ranges RANGES`` A list of IP ranges, specified as dicts with the keys 'description' (optional) and either 'start_address' and 'end_address' or 'network' (in CIDR notation). *Required* ``--replace REPLACE`` If True, replace all existing ranges. Otherwise, just add ranges. Default is False. *Optional* .. _add-standard-value-set-entries: add_standard_value_set_entries ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified picklist entries to a Standard Value Set. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.AddValueSetEntries Example Usage ----------------------- .. code-block:: yaml task: add_standard_value_set_entries options: api_names: CaseOrigin entries: - fullName: New Account label: New Account - fullName: Questionable Contact label: Questionable Contact ui_options: name: Add values to Case Origin picklist Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_standard_value_set_entries`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of StandardValueSets to affect, such as 'OpportunityStage', 'AccountType', 'CaseStatus', 'LeadStatus' *Required* ``--entries ENTRIES`` Array of standardValues to insert. Each standardValue should contain the keys 'fullName', the API name of the entry, and 'label', the user-facing label. OpportunityStage entries require the additional keys 'closed', 'won', 'forecastCategory', and 'probability'; CaseStatus entries require 'closed'; LeadStatus entries require 'converted'. *Required* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-picklist-entries: add_picklist_entries ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified picklist entries to a custom picklist field. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.picklists.AddPicklistEntries Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_picklist_entries`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--picklists PICKLISTS`` List of picklists to affect, in Object__c.Field__c form. *Required* ``--entries ENTRIES`` Array of picklist values to insert. Each value should contain the keys 'fullName', the API name of the entry, and 'label', the user-facing label. Optionally, specify `default: True` on exactly one entry to make that value the default. Any existing values will not be affected other than setting the default (labels of existing entries are not changed). To order values, include the 'add_before' key. This will insert the new value before the existing value with the given API name, or at the end of the list if not present. *Required* ``--record_types RECORDTYPES`` List of Record Type developer names for which the new values should be available. If any of the entries have `default: True`, they are also made default for these Record Types. Any Record Types not present in the target org will be ignored, and * is a wildcard. Default behavior is to do nothing. *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-fields-to-field-set: add_fields_to_field_set ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified fields to a given field set. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.field_sets.AddFieldsToFieldSet Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_fields_to_field_set`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--field_set FIELDSET`` Name of field set to affect, in Object__c.FieldSetName form. *Required* ``--fields FIELDS`` Array of field API names to add to the field set. Can include related fields using AccountId.Name or Lookup__r.CustomField__c style syntax. *Required* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-permission-set-perms: add_permission_set_perms ========================================== **Description:** Adds specified Apex class access and Field-Level Security to a Permission Set. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.AddPermissionSetPermissions Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_permission_set_perms`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--field_permissions FIELDPERMISSIONS`` Array of fieldPermissions objects to upsert into permission_set. Each fieldPermission requires the following attributes: 'field': API Name of the field including namespace; 'readable': boolean if field can be read; 'editable': boolean if field can be edited *Optional* ``--class_accesses CLASSACCESSES`` Array of classAccesses objects to upsert into permission_set. Each classAccess requires the following attributes: 'apexClass': Name of Apex Class. If namespaced, make sure to use the form "namespace__ApexClass"; 'enabled': boolean if the Apex Class can be accessed. *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-record-action-list-item: add_record_action_list_item ========================================== **Description:** Adds the specified 'Record' context Lightning button/action to the provided page layout. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.layouts.AddRecordPlatformActionListItem Inserts the targeted lightning button/action into specified layout's PlatformActionList with a 'Record' actionListContext. - If the targeted lightning button/action already exists, the layout metadata is not modified. - If there is no 'Record' context PlatformActionList, we will generate one and add the specified action Task definition example: dev_inject_apply_quick_action_into_account_layout: group: "Demo config and storytelling" description: Adds an Apply Quick Action button to the beggining of the button list on the Experiences Account Layout. class_path: tasks.layouts.InsertRecordPlatformActionListItem options: api_names: "Account-%%%NAMESPACE%%%Experiences Account Layout" action_name: "Account.Apply" action_type: QuickAction place_first: True Reference Documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_meta.meta/api_meta/meta_layouts.htm#PlatformActionList Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_record_action_list_item`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--action_type ACTIONTYPE`` platformActionListItems.actionType like 'QuickAction' or 'CustomButton' *Required* ``--action_name ACTIONNAME`` platformActionListItems.actionName. The API name for the action to be added. *Required* ``--place_first PLACEFIRST`` When 'True' the specified Record platformActionListItem will be inserted before any existing on the layout. Default is 'False' *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _add-remote-site-settings: add_remote_site_settings ========================================== **Description:** Adds the specified RemoteSiteSettings records to an org. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.remote_site_settings.AddRemoteSiteSettings Example Usage ----------------------- .. code-block:: yaml task: add_remote_site_settings options: records: - full_name: ExampleRemoteSiteSetting description: Descriptions can be included optionally url: https://test.salesforce.com is_active: True Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run add_remote_site_settings`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--records RECORDS`` Array of RemoteSiteSetting records to insert. Each RemoteSiteSetting requires the keys: 'full_name', 'is_active', and 'url'. 'description' is optional, and defaults to an empty string. 'disable_security_protocol' is optional, and defaults to False. *Required* .. _assign-compact-layout: assign_compact_layout ========================================== **Description:** Assigns the Compact Layout specified in the 'value' option to the Custom Objects in 'api_names' option. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.UpdateMetadataFirstChildTextTask Metadata ETL task to update a single child element's text within metadata XML. If the child doesn't exist, the child is created and appended to the Metadata. Furthermore, the ``value`` option is namespaced injected if the task is properly configured. Example: Assign a Custom Object's Compact Layout ------------------------------------------------ Researching `CustomObject `_ in the Metadata API documentation or even retrieving the CustomObject's Metadata for inspection, we see the ``compactLayoutAssignment`` Field. We want to assign a specific Compact Layout for our Custom Object, so we write the following CumulusCI task in our project's ``cumulusci.yml``. .. code-block:: yaml tasks: assign_compact_layout: class_path: cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.UpdateMetadataFirstChildTextTask options: managed: False namespace_inject: $project_config.project__package__namespace entity: CustomObject api_names: OurCustomObject__c tag: compactLayoutAssignment value: "%%%NAMESPACE%%%DifferentCompactLayout" # We include a namespace token so it's easy to use this task in a managed context. Suppose the original CustomObject metadata XML looks like: .. code-block:: xml ... OriginalCompactLayout ... After running ``cci task run assign_compact_layout``, the CustomObject metadata XML is deployed as: .. code-block:: xml ... DifferentCompactLayout ... Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run assign_compact_layout`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--metadata_type METADATATYPE`` Metadata Type Default: CustomObject ``--tag TAG`` Targeted tag. The text of the first instance of this tag within the metadata entity will be updated. Default: compactLayoutAssignment ``--value VALUE`` Desired value to set for the targeted tag's text. This value is namespace-injected. *Required* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _assign-permission-sets: assign_permission_sets ========================================== **Description:** Assigns specified Permission Sets to the current user, if not already assigned. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.permsets.AssignPermissionSets Assigns Permission Sets whose Names are in ``api_names`` to either the default org user or the user whose Alias is ``user_alias``. This task skips assigning Permission Sets that are already assigned. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run assign_permission_sets`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_names APINAMES`` API Names of desired Permission Sets, separated by commas. *Required* ``--user_alias USERALIAS`` Target user aliases, separated by commas. Defaults to the current running user. *Optional* .. _assign-permission-set-groups: assign_permission_set_groups ========================================== **Description:** Assigns specified Permission Set Groups to the current user, if not already assigned. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.permsets.AssignPermissionSetGroups Assigns Permission Set Groups whose Developer Names are in ``api_names`` to either the default org user or the user whose Alias is ``user_alias``. This task skips assigning Permission Set Groups that are already assigned. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run assign_permission_set_groups`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_names APINAMES`` API Developer Names of desired Permission Set Groups, separated by commas. *Required* ``--user_alias USERALIAS`` Alias of target user (if not the current running user, the default). *Optional* .. _assign-permission-set-licenses: assign_permission_set_licenses ========================================== **Description:** Assigns specified Permission Set Licenses to the current user, if not already assigned. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.permsets.AssignPermissionSetLicenses Assigns Permission Set Licenses whose Developer Names are in ``api_names`` to either the default org user or the user whose Alias is ``user_alias``. This task skips assigning Permission Set Licenses that are already assigned. Permission Set Licenses are usually associated with a Permission Set, and assigning the Permission Set usually assigns the associated Permission Set License automatically. However, in non-namespaced developer scratch orgs, assigning the associated Permission Set may not automatically assign the Permission Set License, and this task will ensure the Permission Set Licenses are assigned. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run assign_permission_set_licenses`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_names APINAMES`` API Developer Names of desired Permission Set Licenses, separated by commas. *Required* ``--user_alias USERALIAS`` Alias of target user (if not the current running user, the default). *Optional* .. _batch-apex-wait: batch_apex_wait ========================================== **Description:** Waits on a batch apex or queueable apex job to finish. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.apex.batch.BatchApexWait Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run batch_apex_wait`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--class_name CLASSNAME`` Name of the Apex class to wait for. *Required* ``--poll_interval POLLINTERVAL`` Seconds to wait before polling for batch or queueable job completion. Defaults to 10 seconds. *Optional* .. _check-my-domain-active: check_my_domain_active ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to determine whether My Domain is active. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.settings.CheckMyDomainActive Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_my_domain_active`` .. _check-sobjects-available: check_sobjects_available ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to determine whether specific sObjects are available. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.sobjects.CheckSObjectsAvailable As a MetaDeploy preflight check, validates that an sObject is present in the schema. The task can be used as a preflight check thus:: 3: task: insert_sobject_records checks: - when: "'ContentNote' not in tasks.check_sobjects_available()" action: error message: "Enhanced Notes are not turned on." Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_sobjects_available`` .. _check-sobject-permissions: check_sobject_permissions ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to determine whether specific sObjects are permissioned as desired (options are required). **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.sobjects.CheckSObjectPerms As a MetaDeploy preflight check, validates that an sObject's permissions are in the expected state. For example, specify:: check_sobject_permissions: options: Account: createable: True updateable: False Contact: createable: False to validate that the Account object is createable but not updateable, and the Contact object is not createable. The output is True if all sObjects and permissions are present and matching the specification. Given the above configuration, the task can be used as a preflight check in a MetaDeploy plan:: 3: task: insert_sobject_records checks: - when: "not tasks.check_sobject_permissions()" action: error message: "sObject permissions are not configured correctly." Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_sobject_permissions`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--permissions PERMISSIONS`` The object permissions to check. Each key should be an sObject API name, whose value is a map of describe keys, such as `queryable` and `createable`, to their desired values (True or False). The output is True if all sObjects and permissions are present and matching the specification. See the task documentation for examples. *Required* .. _check-advanced-currency-management: check_advanced_currency_management ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to determine whether Advanced Currency Management is active (True result means the feature is active). **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.sobjects.CheckSObjectPerms As a MetaDeploy preflight check, validates that an sObject's permissions are in the expected state. For example, specify:: check_sobject_permissions: options: Account: createable: True updateable: False Contact: createable: False to validate that the Account object is createable but not updateable, and the Contact object is not createable. The output is True if all sObjects and permissions are present and matching the specification. Given the above configuration, the task can be used as a preflight check in a MetaDeploy plan:: 3: task: insert_sobject_records checks: - when: "not tasks.check_sobject_permissions()" action: error message: "sObject permissions are not configured correctly." Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_advanced_currency_management`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--permissions PERMISSIONS`` The object permissions to check. Each key should be an sObject API name, whose value is a map of describe keys, such as `queryable` and `createable`, to their desired values (True or False). The output is True if all sObjects and permissions are present and matching the specification. See the task documentation for examples. Default: {'DatedConversionRate': {'createable': True}} .. _check-org-wide-defaults: check_org_wide_defaults ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to validate Organization-Wide Defaults. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.sobjects.CheckSObjectOWDs As a MetaDeploy preflight check, validates that an sObject's Org-Wide Defaults are in the expected state. For example, specify:: check_org_wide_defaults: options: org_wide_defaults: - api_name: Account internal_sharing_model: Private external_sharing_model: Private - api_name: Contact internal_sharing_model: Private to validate that the Account object has Private internal and external OWDs, and Contact a Private internal model. The output is True if all sObjects and permissions are present and matching the specification. Given the above configuration, the task can be used as a preflight check in a MetaDeploy plan:: 3: task: insert_sobject_records checks: - when: "not tasks.check_org_wide_defaults()" action: error message: "Org-Wide Defaults are not configured correctly." Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_org_wide_defaults`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--org_wide_defaults ORGWIDEDEFAULTS`` The Organization-Wide Defaults to check, organized as a list with each element containing the keys api_name, internal_sharing_model, and external_sharing_model. NOTE: you must have External Sharing Model turned on in Sharing Settings to use the latter feature. Checking External Sharing Model when it is turned off will fail the preflight. *Required* .. _check-org-settings-value: check_org_settings_value ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to validate organization settings. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.settings.CheckSettingsValue Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_org_settings_value`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--settings_type SETTINGSTYPE`` The API name of the Settings entity to be checked, such as ChatterSettings. *Required* ``--settings_field SETTINGSFIELD`` The API name of the field on the Settings entity to check. *Required* ``--value VALUE`` The value to check for *Required* ``--treat_missing_as_failure TREATMISSINGASFAILURE`` If True, treat a missing Settings entity as a preflight failure, instead of raising an exception. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _check-chatter-enabled: check_chatter_enabled ========================================== **Description:** Runs as a preflight check to validate Chatter is enabled. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.settings.CheckSettingsValue Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_chatter_enabled`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--settings_type SETTINGSTYPE`` The API name of the Settings entity to be checked, such as ChatterSettings. Default: ChatterSettings ``--settings_field SETTINGSFIELD`` The API name of the field on the Settings entity to check. Default: IsChatterEnabled ``--value VALUE`` The value to check for Default: True ``--treat_missing_as_failure TREATMISSINGASFAILURE`` If True, treat a missing Settings entity as a preflight failure, instead of raising an exception. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _check-enhanced-notes-enabled: check_enhanced_notes_enabled ========================================== **Description:** Preflight check to validate that Enhanced Notes are enabled. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.settings.CheckSettingsValue Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run check_enhanced_notes_enabled`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--settings_type SETTINGSTYPE`` The API name of the Settings entity to be checked, such as ChatterSettings. Default: EnhancedNotesSettings ``--settings_field SETTINGSFIELD`` The API name of the field on the Settings entity to check. Default: IsEnhancedNotesEnabled ``--value VALUE`` The value to check for Default: True ``--treat_missing_as_failure TREATMISSINGASFAILURE`` If True, treat a missing Settings entity as a preflight failure, instead of raising an exception. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _retrieve-tasks: retrieve_tasks ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the tasks under the particular category or group **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.retrieve_tasks.RetrieveTasks Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_tasks`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--group_name GROUPNAME`` Name of the category or Group *Required* .. _custom-settings-value-wait: custom_settings_value_wait ========================================== **Description:** Waits for a specific field value on the specified custom settings object and field **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.custom_settings_wait.CustomSettingValueWait Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run custom_settings_value_wait`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--object OBJECT`` Name of the Hierarchical Custom Settings object to query. Can include the %%%NAMESPACE%%% token. *Required* ``--field FIELD`` Name of the field on the Custom Settings to query. Can include the %%%NAMESPACE%%% token. *Required* ``--value VALUE`` Value of the field to wait for (String, Integer or Boolean). *Required* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, will insert the project's namespace prefix. Defaults to False or no namespace. *Optional* ``--namespaced NAMESPACED`` If True, the %%%NAMESPACE%%% token will get replaced with the namespace prefix for the object and field.Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--poll_interval POLLINTERVAL`` Seconds to wait before polling for batch job completion. Defaults to 10 seconds. *Optional* .. _command: command ========================================== **Description:** Run an arbitrary command **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.command.Command **Example Command-line Usage:** ``cci task run command -o command "echo 'Hello command task!'"`` **Example Task to Run Command:** .. code-block:: yaml hello_world: description: Says hello world class_path: cumulusci.tasks.command.Command options: command: echo 'Hello World!' Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run command`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--command COMMAND`` The command to execute *Required* ``--pass_env PASSENV`` If False, the current environment variables will not be passed to the child process. Defaults to True *Required* ``--dir DIR`` If provided, the directory where the command should be run from. *Optional* ``--env ENV`` Environment variables to set for command. Must be flat dict, either as python dict from YAML or as JSON string. *Optional* ``--interactive INTERACTIVE`` If True, the command will use stderr, stdout, and stdin of the main process.Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _composite-request: composite_request ========================================== **Description:** Execute a series of REST API requests in a single call **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.composite.CompositeApi This task is a wrapper for Composite REST API calls. Given a list of JSON files (one request body per file), POST each and process the returned composite result. Files are processed in the order given by the ``data_files`` option. In addition, this task will process the request body and replace namespace (``%%%NAMESPACE%%%``) and user ID (``%%%USERID%%%``) tokens. To avoid username collisions, use the ``randomize_username`` option to replace the top-level domains in any ``Username`` field with a random string. When the top-level ``allOrNone`` property for the request is set to true a SalesforceException is raised if an error is returned for any subrequest, otherwise partial successes will not raise an exception. Example Task Definition ----------------------- .. code-block:: yaml tasks: example_composite_request: class_path: cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.composite.CompositeApi options: data_files: - "datasets/composite/users.json" - "datasets/composite/setup_objects.json" Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run composite_request`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--data_files DATAFILES`` A list of paths, where each path is a JSON file containing a composite request body. *Required* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, replaces namespace tokens with the namespace prefix. *Optional* ``--namespaced NAMESPACED`` If True, replaces namespace tokens with the namespace prefix. *Optional* ``--randomize_username RANDOMIZEUSERNAME`` If True, randomize the TLD for any 'Username' fields. *Optional* .. _create-community: create_community ========================================== **Description:** Creates a Community in the target org using the Connect API **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.CreateCommunity Create a Salesforce Community via the Connect API. Specify the `template` "VF Template" for Visualforce Tabs community, or the name for a specific desired template Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_community`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--template TEMPLATE`` Name of the template for the community. *Required* ``--name NAME`` Name of the community. *Required* ``--description DESCRIPTION`` Description of the community. *Optional* ``--url_path_prefix URLPATHPREFIX`` URL prefix for the community. *Optional* ``--retries RETRIES`` Number of times to retry community creation request *Optional* ``--timeout TIMEOUT`` Time to wait, in seconds, for the community to be created *Optional* ``--skip_existing SKIPEXISTING`` If True, an existing community with the same name will not raise an exception. *Optional* .. _connected-app: connected_app ========================================== **Description:** Creates the Connected App needed to use persistent orgs in the CumulusCI keychain **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.connectedapp.CreateConnectedApp Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run connected_app`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--label LABEL`` The label for the connected app. Must contain only alphanumeric and underscores Default: CumulusCI ``--email EMAIL`` The email address to associate with the connected app. Defaults to email address from the github service if configured. *Optional* ``--username USERNAME`` Create the connected app in a different org. Defaults to the defaultdevhubusername configured in sfdx. *Optional* ``--connect CONNECT`` If True, the created connected app will be stored as the CumulusCI connected_app service in the keychain. Default: True ``--overwrite OVERWRITE`` If True, any existing connected_app service in the CumulusCI keychain will be overwritten. Has no effect if the connect option is False. *Optional* .. _create-network-member-groups: create_network_member_groups ========================================== **Description:** Creates NetworkMemberGroup records which grant access to an Experience Site (Community) for specified Profiles or Permission Sets **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.network_member_group.CreateNetworkMemberGroups Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_network_member_groups`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--network_name NETWORKNAME`` Name of Network to add NetworkMemberGroup children records. *Required* ``--profile_names PROFILENAMES`` List of Profile Names to add as NetworkMemberGroups for this Network. *Optional* ``--permission_set_names PERMISSIONSETNAMES`` List of PermissionSet Names to add as NetworkMemberGroups for this Network. *Optional* .. _insert-record: insert_record ========================================== **Description:** Inserts a record of any sObject using the REST API **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.insert_record.InsertRecord For example: cci task run insert_record --org dev -o object PermissionSet -o values Name:HardDelete,PermissionsBulkApiHardDelete:true Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run insert_record`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--object OBJECT`` An sObject type to insert *Required* ``--values VALUES`` Field names and values in the format 'aa:bb,cc:dd', or a YAML dict in cumulusci.yml. *Required* ``--tooling TOOLING`` If True, use the Tooling API instead of REST API. *Optional* .. _create-package: create_package ========================================== **Description:** Creates a package in the target org with the default package name for the project **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.CreatePackage Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_package`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package PACKAGE`` The name of the package to create. Defaults to project__package__name *Required* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` The api version to use when creating the package. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Required* .. _create-package-version: create_package_version ========================================== **Description:** Uploads a 2nd-generation package (2GP) version **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.create_package_version.CreatePackageVersion Facilitates the upload of 2GP (second-generation packaging) package versions using CumulusCI. The target org is used both for looking up dependency package IDs and configuring the build org during the package upload. Ensure the specified org is a scratch org with the correct configuration for these purposes. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_package_version`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package_type PACKAGETYPE`` Package type (Unlocked or Managed) *Required* ``--package_name PACKAGENAME`` Name of package *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` Package namespace *Optional* ``--version_name VERSIONNAME`` Version name *Optional* ``--version_base VERSIONBASE`` The version number to use as a base before incrementing. Optional; defaults to the highest existing version number of this package. Can be set to ``latest_github_release`` to use the version of the most recent release published to GitHub. *Optional* ``--version_type VERSIONTYPE`` The part of the version number to increment. Options are major, minor, patch, build. Defaults to build *Optional* ``--skip_validation SKIPVALIDATION`` If true, skip validation of the package version. Default: false. Skipping validation creates packages more quickly, but they cannot be promoted for release. *Optional* ``--org_dependent ORGDEPENDENT`` If true, create an org-dependent unlocked package. Default: false. *Optional* ``--post_install_script POSTINSTALLSCRIPT`` Post-install script (for managed packages) *Optional* ``--uninstall_script UNINSTALLSCRIPT`` Uninstall script (for managed packages) *Optional* ``--install_key INSTALLKEY`` Install key for package. Default is no install key. *Optional* ``--force_upload FORCEUPLOAD`` If true, force creating a new package version even if one with the same contents already exists *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--ancestor_id ANCESTORID`` The 04t Id to use for the ancestor of this package. Optional; defaults to no ancestor specified. Can be set to ``latest_github_release`` to use the most recent production version published to GitHub. *Optional* ``--resolution_strategy RESOLUTIONSTRATEGY`` The name of a sequence of resolution_strategy (from project__dependency_resolutions) to apply to dynamic dependencies. Defaults to 'production'. *Optional* ``--create_unlocked_dependency_packages CREATEUNLOCKEDDEPENDENCYPACKAGES`` If True, create unlocked packages for unpackaged metadata in this project and dependencies. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _create-managed-src: create_managed_src ========================================== **Description:** Modifies the src directory for managed deployment. Strips //cumulusci-managed from all Apex code **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.managed_src.CreateManagedSrc Apex classes which use the @deprecated annotation can comment it out using //cumulusci-managed so that it can be deployed as part of unmanaged metadata, where this annotation is not allowed. This task is for use when deploying to a packaging org to remove the comment so that the annotation takes effect. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_managed_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path containing metadata to process for managed deployment Default: src ``--revert_path REVERTPATH`` The path to copy the original metadata to for the revert call Default: src.orig .. _create-permission-set: create_permission_set ========================================== **Description:** Creates a Permission Set with specified User Permissions and assigns it to the running user. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.create_permission_sets.CreatePermissionSet Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_permission_set`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_name APINAME`` API name of generated Permission Set *Required* ``--user_permissions USERPERMISSIONS`` List of User Permissions to include in the Permission Set. *Required* ``--label LABEL`` Label of generated Permission Set *Optional* .. _create-bulk-data-permission-set: create_bulk_data_permission_set ========================================== **Description:** Creates a Permission Set with the Hard Delete and Set Audit Fields user permissions. NOTE: the org setting to allow Set Audit Fields must be turned on. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.create_permission_sets.CreatePermissionSet Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_bulk_data_permission_set`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_name APINAME`` API name of generated Permission Set Default: CumulusCI_Bulk_Data ``--user_permissions USERPERMISSIONS`` List of User Permissions to include in the Permission Set. Default: ['PermissionsBulkApiHardDelete', 'PermissionsCreateAuditFields'] ``--label LABEL`` Label of generated Permission Set Default: CumulusCI Bulk Data .. _create-unmanaged-ee-src: create_unmanaged_ee_src ========================================== **Description:** Modifies the src directory for unmanaged deployment to an EE org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.ee_src.CreateUnmanagedEESrc Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_unmanaged_ee_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path containing metadata to process for managed deployment Default: src ``--revert_path REVERTPATH`` The path to copy the original metadata to for the revert call Default: src.orig .. _create-blank-profile: create_blank_profile ========================================== **Description:** Creates a blank profile, or a profile with no permissions **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.profiles.CreateBlankProfile Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run create_blank_profile`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--name NAME`` The name of the the new profile *Required* ``--license LICENSE`` The name of the salesforce license to use in the profile, defaults to 'Salesforce' Default: Salesforce ``--license_id LICENSEID`` The ID of the salesforce license to use in the profile. *Optional* ``--description DESCRIPTION`` The description of the the new profile *Optional* .. _retrieve-profile: retrieve_profile ========================================== **Description:** Given a list of profiles, the task retrieves all complete profiles along with their associated dependencies for all permissionable entities - ApexClass, ApexPage, CustomApplications, CustomObjects, CustomPermissions, CustomTabs, ExternalDataSources and Flows **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.retrieve_profile.RetrieveProfile Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_profile`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--profiles PROFILES`` List of profile API names that you want to retrieve *Required* ``--path PATH`` Target folder path. By default, it uses force-app/main/default *Optional* ``--strict_mode STRICTMODE`` When set to False, enables leniency by ignoring missing profiles when provided with a list of profiles. When set to True, enforces strict validation, causing a failure if any profile is not present in the list. Default is True *Optional* .. _delete-data: delete_data ========================================== **Description:** Query existing data for a specific sObject and perform a Bulk API delete of all matching records. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.DeleteData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run delete_data`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--objects OBJECTS`` A list of objects to delete records from in order of deletion. If passed via command line, use a comma separated string *Required* ``--where WHERE`` A SOQL where-clause (without the keyword WHERE). Only available when 'objects' is length 1. *Optional* ``--hardDelete HARDDELETE`` If True, perform a hard delete, bypassing the Recycle Bin. Note that this requires the Bulk API Hard Delete permission. Default: False *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` If True, allow the operation to continue even if individual rows fail to delete. *Optional* ``--inject_namespaces INJECTNAMESPACES`` If True, the package namespace prefix will be automatically added to (or removed from) objects and fields based on the name used in the org. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--api API`` The desired Salesforce API to use, which may be 'rest', 'bulk', or 'smart' to auto-select based on record volume. The default is 'smart'. *Optional* .. _update-data: update_data ========================================== **Description:** Update records of an sObject matching a where-clause. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.update_data.UpdateData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run update_data`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--object OBJECT`` An SObject *Required* ``--recipe RECIPE`` Snowfakery recipe to be executed on each row *Required* ``--where WHERE`` A SOQL where-clause (without the keyword WHERE). *Optional* ``--api API`` The desired Salesforce API to use, which may be 'rest', 'bulk', or 'smart' to auto-select based on record volume. The default is 'smart'. *Optional* ``--fields FIELDS`` Fields to download as input to the Snowfakery recipe *Optional* ``--recipe_options RECIPEOPTIONS`` Pass values to override options in the format VAR1:foo,VAR2:bar Example: --recipe_options weight:10,color:purple *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` If True, allow the operation to continue even if individual rows fail to delete. *Optional* .. _deploy: deploy ========================================== **Description:** Deploys the src directory of the repository to the org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.Deploy Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the metadata source to be deployed Default: src ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* .. _deploy-marketing-cloud-package: deploy_marketing_cloud_package ========================================== **Description:** Deploys a package zip file to a Marketing Cloud Tenant via the Marketing Cloud Package Manager API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.marketing_cloud.deploy.MarketingCloudDeployTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy_marketing_cloud_package`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package_zip_file PACKAGEZIPFILE`` Path to the package zipfile that will be deployed. *Required* ``--custom_inputs CUSTOMINPUTS`` Specify custom inputs to the deployment task. Takes a mapping from input key to input value (e.g. 'companyName:Acme,companyWebsite:https://www.salesforce.org:8080'). *Optional* ``--name NAME`` The name to give to this particular deploy call. Defaults to a universally unique identifier. *Optional* ``--endpoint ENDPOINT`` Override the default endpoint for the Marketing Cloud package manager API (optional) *Optional* .. _marketing-cloud-create-subscriber-attribute: marketing_cloud_create_subscriber_attribute ========================================== **Description:** Creates a Subscriber Attribute via the Marketing Cloud SOAP API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.marketing_cloud.api.CreateSubscriberAttribute Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run marketing_cloud_create_subscriber_attribute`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--attribute_name ATTRIBUTENAME`` The name of the Subscriber Attribute to deploy via the Marketing Cloud API. *Required* .. _marketing-cloud-create-user: marketing_cloud_create_user ========================================== **Description:** Creates a new User via the Marketing Cloud SOAP API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.marketing_cloud.api.CreateUser Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run marketing_cloud_create_user`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--parent_bu_mid PARENTBUMID`` Specify the MID for Parent BU. *Required* ``--default_bu_mid DEFAULTBUMID`` Set MID for BU to use as default (can be same as the parent). *Required* ``--user_email USEREMAIL`` Set the User's email. *Required* ``--user_password USERPASSWORD`` Set the User's password. *Required* ``--user_username USERUSERNAME`` Set the User's username. Not the same as their name. *Required* ``--external_key EXTERNALKEY`` Set the User's external key. *Optional* ``--user_name USERNAME`` Set the User's name. Not the same as their username. *Optional* ``--role_id ROLEID`` Assign a Role to the new User, specified as an ID. IDs for system defined roles located here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/setting_user_permissions_via_the_web_services_api.htm *Optional* ``--activate_if_existing ACTIVATEIFEXISTING`` Activate the user if it already exists in an inactive state. Default: False *Optional* .. _marketing-cloud-get-user-info: marketing_cloud_get_user_info ========================================== **Description:** Return user info retrieved from the /userinfo endpoint of the Marketing Cloud REST API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.marketing_cloud.get_user_info.GetUserInfoTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run marketing_cloud_get_user_info`` .. _marketing-cloud-update-user-role: marketing_cloud_update_user_role ========================================== **Description:** Assigns a Role to an existing User via the Marketing Cloud SOAP API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.marketing_cloud.api.UpdateUserRole Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run marketing_cloud_update_user_role`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--account_mid ACCOUNTMID`` Specify the Account MID. *Required* ``--user_email USEREMAIL`` Specify the User's email. *Required* ``--user_password USERPASSWORD`` Specify the User's password. *Required* ``--role_id ROLEID`` Assign a Role to the User, specified as an ID. IDs for system defined roles located here: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.noversion.mc-apis.meta/mc-apis/setting_user_permissions_via_the_web_services_api.htm *Required* ``--external_key EXTERNALKEY`` Specify the User's external key. *Optional* ``--user_name USERNAME`` Specify the User's name. Not the same as their username. *Optional* .. _deploy-omni-studio-site-settings: deploy_omni_studio_site_settings ========================================== **Description:** Deploys remote site settings needed for OmniStudio. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.vlocity.vlocity.OmniStudioDeployRemoteSiteSettings Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy_omni_studio_site_settings`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace to inject into RemoteSiteSettings.url values. Defaults to 'omnistudio'. *Optional* .. _deploy-pre: deploy_pre ========================================== **Description:** Deploys all metadata bundles under unpackaged/pre/ **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.DeployBundles Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy_pre`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the parent directory containing the metadata bundles directories Default: unpackaged/pre ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* .. _deploy-post: deploy_post ========================================== **Description:** Deploys all metadata bundles under unpackaged/post/ **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.DeployBundles Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy_post`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the parent directory containing the metadata bundles directories Default: unpackaged/post ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* .. _deploy-qa-config: deploy_qa_config ========================================== **Description:** Deploys configuration for QA. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.Deploy Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run deploy_qa_config`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the metadata source to be deployed Default: unpackaged/config/qa ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* .. _dx: dx ========================================== **Description:** Execute an arbitrary Salesforce DX command against an org. Use the 'command' option to specify the command, such as 'force:package:install' **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXOrgTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run dx`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--command COMMAND`` The full command to run with the sfdx cli. *Required* ``--extra EXTRA`` Append additional options to the command *Optional* .. _dx-convert-to: dx_convert_to ========================================== **Description:** Converts src directory metadata format into sfdx format under force-app **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXBaseTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run dx_convert_to`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--command COMMAND`` The full command to run with the sfdx cli. Default: force:mdapi:convert -r src ``--extra EXTRA`` Append additional options to the command *Optional* .. _dx-convert-from: dx_convert_from ========================================== **Description:** Converts force-app directory in sfdx format into metadata format under src **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.dx_convert_from.DxConvertFrom Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run dx_convert_from`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--src_dir SRCDIR`` The path to the src directory where converted contents will be stored. Defaults to src/ Default: src ``--extra EXTRA`` Append additional options to the command *Optional* .. _dx-pull: dx_pull ========================================== **Description:** Uses sfdx to pull from a scratch org into the force-app directory **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXOrgTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run dx_pull`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--command COMMAND`` The full command to run with the sfdx cli. Default: force:source:pull ``--extra EXTRA`` Append additional options to the command *Optional* .. _dx-push: dx_push ========================================== **Description:** Uses sfdx to push the force-app directory metadata into a scratch org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sfdx.SFDXOrgTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run dx_push`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--command COMMAND`` The full command to run with the sfdx cli. Default: force:source:push ``--extra EXTRA`` Append additional options to the command *Optional* .. _enable-einstein-prediction: enable_einstein_prediction ========================================== **Description:** Enable an Einstein Prediction Builder prediction. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.enable_prediction.EnablePrediction This task updates the state of Einstein Prediction Builder predictions from 'Draft' to 'Enabled' by posting to the Tooling API. cci task run enable_prediction --org dev -o api_names Example_Prediction_v0 Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run enable_einstein_prediction`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of the MLPredictionDefinitions. *Required* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace namespaced-org tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* .. _ensure-record-types: ensure_record_types ========================================== **Description:** Ensure that a default Record Type is extant on the given standard sObject (custom objects are not supported). If Record Types are already present, do nothing. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.EnsureRecordTypes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run ensure_record_types`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--record_type_developer_name RECORDTYPEDEVELOPERNAME`` The Developer Name of the Record Type (unique). Must contain only alphanumeric characters and underscores. Default: Default ``--record_type_label RECORDTYPELABEL`` The Label of the Record Type. Default: Default ``--sobject SOBJECT`` The sObject on which to deploy the Record Type and optional Business Process. *Required* ``--record_type_description RECORDTYPEDESCRIPTION`` The Description of the Record Type. Only uses the first 255 characters. *Optional* ``--force_create FORCECREATE`` If true, the Record Type will be created even if a default Record Type already exists on this sObject. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _execute-anon: execute_anon ========================================== **Description:** Execute anonymous apex via the tooling api. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.apex.anon.AnonymousApexTask Use the `apex` option to run a string of anonymous Apex. Use the `path` option to run anonymous Apex from a file. Or use both to concatenate the string to the file contents. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run execute_anon`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to an Apex file to run. *Optional* ``--apex APEX`` A string of Apex to run (after the file, if specified). *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, will insert the project's namespace prefix. Defaults to False or no namespace. *Optional* ``--namespaced NAMESPACED`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_RT%%% and %%%namespaced%%% will get replaced with the namespace prefix for Record Types. *Optional* ``--param1 PARAM1`` Parameter to pass to the Apex. Use as %%%PARAM_1%%% in the Apex code. Defaults to an empty value. *Optional* ``--param2 PARAM2`` Parameter to pass to the Apex. Use as %%%PARAM_2%%% in the Apex code. Defaults to an empty value. *Optional* .. _generate-data-dictionary: generate_data_dictionary ========================================== **Description:** Create a data dictionary for the project in CSV format. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.datadictionary.GenerateDataDictionary Generate a data dictionary for the project by walking all GitHub releases. The data dictionary is output as two CSV files. One, in `object_path`, includes - Object Label - Object API Name - Object Description - Version Introduced with one row per packaged object. The other, in `field_path`, includes - Object Label - Object API Name - Field Label - Field API Name - Field Type - Valid Picklist Values - Help Text - Field Description - Version Introduced - Version Picklist Values Last Changed - Version Help Text Last Changed Both MDAPI and SFDX format releases are supported. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run generate_data_dictionary`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--object_path OBJECTPATH`` Path to a CSV file to contain an sObject-level data dictionary. *Optional* ``--field_path FIELDPATH`` Path to a CSV file to contain an field-level data dictionary. *Optional* ``--include_dependencies INCLUDEDEPENDENCIES`` Process all of the GitHub dependencies of this project and include their schema in the data dictionary. *Optional* ``--additional_dependencies ADDITIONALDEPENDENCIES`` Include schema from additional GitHub repositories that are not explicit dependencies of this project to build a unified data dictionary. Specify as a list of dicts as in project__dependencies in cumulusci.yml. Note: only repository dependencies are supported. *Optional* ``--include_prerelease INCLUDEPRERELEASE`` Treat the current branch as containing prerelease schema, and included it as Prerelease in the data dictionary. NOTE: this option cannot be used with `additional_dependencies` or `include_dependencies`. *Optional* ``--include_protected_schema INCLUDEPROTECTEDSCHEMA`` Include Custom Objects, Custom Settings, and Custom Metadata Types that are marked as Protected. Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _generate-and-load-from-yaml: generate_and_load_from_yaml ========================================== **Description:** None **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.generate_and_load_data_from_yaml.GenerateAndLoadDataFromYaml Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run generate_and_load_from_yaml`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--data_generation_task DATAGENERATIONTASK`` Fully qualified class path of a task to generate the data. Look at cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.tests.dummy_data_factory to learn how to write them. *Required* ``--generator_yaml GENERATORYAML`` A Snowfakery recipe file to use *Required* ``--num_records NUMRECORDS`` Target number of records. You will get at least this many records, but may get more. The recipe will always execute to completion, so if it creates 3 records per execution and you ask for 5, you will get 6. *Optional* ``--num_records_tablename NUMRECORDSTABLENAME`` A string representing which table determines when the recipe execution is done. *Optional* ``--batch_size BATCHSIZE`` How many records to create and load at a time. *Optional* ``--data_generation_options DATAGENERATIONOPTIONS`` Options to pass to the data generator. *Optional* ``--vars VARS`` Pass values to override options in the format VAR1:foo,VAR2:bar *Optional* ``--replace_database REPLACEDATABASE`` Confirmation that it is okay to delete the data in database_url *Optional* ``--working_directory WORKINGDIRECTORY`` Default path for temporary / working files *Optional* ``--database_url DATABASEURL`` A path to put a copy of the sqlite database (for debugging) *Optional* ``--mapping MAPPING`` A mapping YAML file to use *Optional* ``--start_step STARTSTEP`` If specified, skip steps before this one in the mapping *Optional* ``--sql_path SQLPATH`` If specified, a database will be created from an SQL script at the provided path *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` If True, allow the load to continue even if individual rows fail to load. *Optional* ``--reset_oids RESETOIDS`` If True (the default), and the _sf_ids tables exist, reset them before continuing. *Optional* ``--bulk_mode BULKMODE`` Set to Serial to force serial mode on all jobs. Parallel is the default. *Optional* ``--inject_namespaces INJECTNAMESPACES`` If True, the package namespace prefix will be automatically added to (or removed from) objects and fields based on the name used in the org. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--drop_missing_schema DROPMISSINGSCHEMA`` Set to True to skip any missing objects or fields instead of stopping with an error. *Optional* ``--set_recently_viewed SETRECENTLYVIEWED`` By default, the first 1000 records inserted via the Bulk API will be set as recently viewed. If fewer than 1000 records are inserted, existing objects of the same type being inserted will also be set as recently viewed. *Optional* ``--org_shape_match_only ORGSHAPEMATCHONLY`` When True, all path options are ignored and only a dataset matching the org shape name will be loaded. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--enable_rollback ENABLEROLLBACK`` When True, performs rollback operation incase of error. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--plugin_options PLUGINOPTIONS`` Pass values to override plugin options in the format VAR1:foo,VAR2:bar *Optional* ``--generate_mapping_file GENERATEMAPPINGFILE`` A path to put a mapping file inferred from the generator_yaml *Optional* ``--continuation_file CONTINUATIONFILE`` YAML file generated by Snowfakery representing next steps for data generation *Optional* ``--generate_continuation_file GENERATECONTINUATIONFILE`` Path for Snowfakery to put its next continuation file *Optional* ``--loading_rules LOADINGRULES`` Path to .load.yml file containing rules to use to load the file. Defaults to .load.yml . Multiple files can be comma separated. *Optional* .. _get-installed-packages: get_installed_packages ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the currently installed managed package namespaces and their versions **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.packages.GetInstalledPackages Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_installed_packages`` .. _get-available-licenses: get_available_licenses ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the currently available license definition keys **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.licenses.GetAvailableLicenses Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_available_licenses`` .. _get-available-permission-set-licenses: get_available_permission_set_licenses ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the currently available Permission Set License definition keys **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.licenses.GetAvailablePermissionSetLicenses Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_available_permission_set_licenses`` .. _get-assigned-permission-sets: get_assigned_permission_sets ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the developer names of any permission sets assigned to the running user. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.permsets.GetPermissionSetAssignments Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_assigned_permission_sets`` .. _get-assigned-permission-set-licenses: get_assigned_permission_set_licenses ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the developer names of any Permission Set Licenses assigned to the running user. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.licenses.GetPermissionLicenseSetAssignments Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_assigned_permission_set_licenses`` .. _get-available-permission-sets: get_available_permission_sets ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of the currently available Permission Sets **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.licenses.GetAvailablePermissionSets Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_available_permission_sets`` .. _get-existing-record-types: get_existing_record_types ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves all Record Types in the org as a dict, with sObject names as keys and lists of Developer Names as values. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.preflight.recordtypes.CheckSObjectRecordTypes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_existing_record_types`` .. _get-existing-sites: get_existing_sites ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves a list of any existing Experience Cloud site names in the org. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.ListCommunities Lists Communities for the current org via the Connect API. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run get_existing_sites`` .. _github-parent-pr-notes: github_parent_pr_notes ========================================== **Description:** Merges the description of a child pull request to the respective parent's pull request (if one exists). **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.release_notes.task.ParentPullRequestNotes Aggregate change notes from child pull request(s) to a corresponding parent pull request. When given the branch_name option, this task will: (1) check if the base branch of the corresponding pull request starts with the feature branch prefix and if so (2) attempt to query for a pull request corresponding to this parent feature branch. (3) if a pull request isn't found, the task exits and no actions are taken. If the build_notes_label is present on the pull request, then all notes from the child pull request are aggregated into the parent pull request. if the build_notes_label is not detected on the parent pull request then a link to the child pull request is placed under the "Unaggregated Pull Requests" header. If you have a pull request on branch feature/myFeature that you would like to rebuild notes for use the branch_name and force options: cci task run github_parent_pr_notes --branch-name feature/myFeature --force True Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_parent_pr_notes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--branch_name BRANCHNAME`` Name of branch to check for parent status, and if so, reaggregate change notes from child branches. *Required* ``--build_notes_label BUILDNOTESLABEL`` Name of the label that indicates that change notes on parent pull requests should be reaggregated when a child branch pull request is created. *Required* ``--force FORCE`` force rebuilding of change notes from child branches in the given branch. *Optional* .. _github-clone-tag: github_clone_tag ========================================== **Description:** Clones a github tag under a new name. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.CloneTag Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_clone_tag`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--src_tag SRCTAG`` The source tag to clone. Ex: beta/1.0-Beta_2 *Required* ``--tag TAG`` The new tag to create by cloning the src tag. Ex: release/1.0 *Required* .. _github-automerge-main: github_automerge_main ========================================== **Description:** Merges the latest commit on the main branch into all open feature branches **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.MergeBranch Merges the most recent commit on the current branch into other branches depending on the value of source_branch. If source_branch is a branch that does not start with the specified branch_prefix, then the commit will be merged to all branches that begin with branch_prefix and are not themselves child branches (i.e. branches don't contain '__' in their name). If source_branch begins with branch_prefix, then the commit is merged to all child branches of source_branch. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_automerge_main`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--commit COMMIT`` The commit to merge into feature branches. Defaults to the current head commit. *Optional* ``--source_branch SOURCEBRANCH`` The source branch to merge from. Defaults to project__git__default_branch. *Optional* ``--branch_prefix BRANCHPREFIX`` A list of prefixes of branches that should receive the merge. Defaults to project__git__prefix_feature *Optional* ``--skip_future_releases SKIPFUTURERELEASES`` If true, then exclude branches that start with the branch prefix if they are not for the lowest release number. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--update_future_releases UPDATEFUTURERELEASES`` If true, then include release branches that are not the lowest release number even if they are not child branches. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--create_pull_request_on_conflict CREATEPULLREQUESTONCONFLICT`` If true, then create a pull request when a merge conflict arises. Defaults to True. *Optional* .. _github-automerge-feature: github_automerge_feature ========================================== **Description:** Merges the latest commit on a source branch to all child branches. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.MergeBranch Merges the most recent commit on the current branch into other branches depending on the value of source_branch. If source_branch is a branch that does not start with the specified branch_prefix, then the commit will be merged to all branches that begin with branch_prefix and are not themselves child branches (i.e. branches don't contain '__' in their name). If source_branch begins with branch_prefix, then the commit is merged to all child branches of source_branch. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_automerge_feature`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--commit COMMIT`` The commit to merge into feature branches. Defaults to the current head commit. *Optional* ``--source_branch SOURCEBRANCH`` The source branch to merge from. Defaults to project__git__default_branch. Default: $project_config.repo_branch ``--branch_prefix BRANCHPREFIX`` A list of prefixes of branches that should receive the merge. Defaults to project__git__prefix_feature *Optional* ``--skip_future_releases SKIPFUTURERELEASES`` If true, then exclude branches that start with the branch prefix if they are not for the lowest release number. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--update_future_releases UPDATEFUTURERELEASES`` If true, then include release branches that are not the lowest release number even if they are not child branches. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--create_pull_request_on_conflict CREATEPULLREQUESTONCONFLICT`` If true, then create a pull request when a merge conflict arises. Defaults to True. *Optional* .. _github-copy-subtree: github_copy_subtree ========================================== **Description:** Copies one or more subtrees from the project repository for a given release to a target repository, with the option to include release notes. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.publish.PublishSubtree Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_copy_subtree`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--repo_url REPOURL`` The url to the public repo *Required* ``--branch BRANCH`` The branch to update in the target repo *Required* ``--version VERSION`` (Deprecated >= 3.42.0) Only the values of 'latest' and 'latest_beta' are acceptable. Required if 'ref' or 'tag_name' is not set. This will override tag_name if it is provided. *Optional* ``--tag_name TAGNAME`` The name of the tag that should be associated with this release. Values of 'latest' and 'latest_beta' are also allowed. Required if 'ref' or 'version' is not set. *Optional* ``--ref REF`` The git reference to publish. Takes precedence over 'version' and 'tag_name'. Required if 'tag_name' is not set. *Optional* ``--include INCLUDE`` A list of paths from repo root to include. Directories must end with a trailing slash. *Optional* ``--renames RENAMES`` A list of paths to rename in the target repo, given as `local:` `target:` pairs. *Optional* ``--create_release CREATERELEASE`` If True, create a release in the public repo. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--release_body RELEASEBODY`` If True, the entire release body will be published to the public repo. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` If True, skip creating Github data. Defaults to False *Optional* .. _github-package-data: github_package_data ========================================== **Description:** Look up 2gp package dependencies for a version id recorded in a commit status. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.commit_status.GetPackageDataFromCommitStatus Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_package_data`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--context CONTEXT`` Name of the commit status context *Required* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` Package version id *Optional* .. _github-pull-requests: github_pull_requests ========================================== **Description:** Lists open pull requests in project Github repository **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.PullRequests Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_pull_requests`` .. _github-release: github_release ========================================== **Description:** Creates a Github release for a given managed package version number **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.CreateRelease Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_release`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version number. Ex: 1.2 *Required* ``--package_type PACKAGETYPE`` The package type of the project (either 1GP or 2GP) *Required* ``--tag_prefix TAGPREFIX`` The prefix to use for the release tag created in github. *Required* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The SubscriberPackageVersionId (04t) associated with this release. *Optional* ``--message MESSAGE`` The message to attach to the created git tag *Optional* ``--release_content RELEASECONTENT`` The content to include as the release body. Note: github_release_notes will overwrite this content, if used. *Optional* ``--dependencies DEPENDENCIES`` List of dependencies to record in the tag message. *Optional* ``--commit COMMIT`` Override the commit used to create the release. Defaults to the current local HEAD commit *Optional* ``--resolution_strategy RESOLUTIONSTRATEGY`` The name of a sequence of resolution_strategy (from project__dependency_resolutions) to apply to dynamic dependencies. Defaults to 'production'. *Optional* .. _gather-release-notes: gather_release_notes ========================================== **Description:** Generates release notes by getting the latest release of each repository **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.release_notes.task.AllGithubReleaseNotes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run gather_release_notes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--repos REPOS`` The list of owner, repo key pairs for which to generate release notes. Ex: 'owner': SalesforceFoundation 'repo': 'NPSP' *Required* .. _github-release-notes: github_release_notes ========================================== **Description:** Generates release notes by parsing pull request bodies of merged pull requests between two tags **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.release_notes.task.GithubReleaseNotes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_release_notes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--tag TAG`` The tag to generate release notes for. Ex: release/1.2 *Required* ``--last_tag LASTTAG`` Override the last release tag. This is useful to generate release notes if you skipped one or more releases. *Optional* ``--link_pr LINKPR`` If True, insert link to source pull request at end of each line. *Optional* ``--publish PUBLISH`` Publish to GitHub release if True (default=False) *Optional* ``--include_empty INCLUDEEMPTY`` If True, include links to PRs that have no release notes (default=False) *Optional* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The package version id used by the InstallLinksParser to add install urls *Optional* ``--trial_info TRIALINFO`` If True, Includes trialforce template text for this product. *Optional* ``--sandbox_date SANDBOXDATE`` The date of the sandbox release in ISO format (Will default to None) *Optional* ``--production_date PRODUCTIONDATE`` The date of the production release in ISO format (Will default to None) *Optional* .. _github-release-report: github_release_report ========================================== **Description:** Parses GitHub release notes to report various info **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.github.ReleaseReport Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run github_release_report`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--date_start DATESTART`` Filter out releases created before this date (YYYY-MM-DD) *Optional* ``--date_end DATEEND`` Filter out releases created after this date (YYYY-MM-DD) *Optional* ``--include_beta INCLUDEBETA`` Include beta releases in report [default=False] *Optional* ``--print PRINT`` Print info to screen as JSON [default=False] *Optional* .. _install-managed: install_managed ========================================== **Description:** Install the latest managed production release **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.InstallPackageVersion Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run install_managed`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the package to install. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Required* ``--version VERSION`` The version of the package to install. "latest" and "latest_beta" can be used to trigger lookup via Github Releases on the repository. Default: latest ``--name NAME`` The name of the package to install. Defaults to project__package__name_managed *Optional* ``--version_number VERSIONNUMBER`` If installing a package using an 04t version Id, display this version number to the user and in logs. Has no effect otherwise. *Optional* ``--activateRSS ACTIVATERSS`` Deprecated. Use activate_remote_site_settings instead. *Optional* ``--retries RETRIES`` Number of retries (default=5) *Optional* ``--retry_interval RETRYINTERVAL`` Number of seconds to wait before the next retry (default=5), *Optional* ``--retry_interval_add RETRYINTERVALADD`` Number of seconds to add before each retry (default=30), *Optional* ``--interactive INTERACTIVE`` If True, stop after resolving the package version and output the package Id that will be installed. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--base_package_url_format BASEPACKAGEURLFORMAT`` If `interactive` is set to True, display package Ids using a format string ({} will be replaced with the package Id). *Optional* ``--security_type SECURITYTYPE`` Which Profiles to install packages for (FULL = all profiles, NONE = admins only, PUSH = no profiles, CUSTOM = custom profiles). Defaults to FULL. *Optional* ``--name_conflict_resolution NAMECONFLICTRESOLUTION`` Specify how to resolve name conflicts when installing an Unlocked Package. Available values are Block and RenameMetadata. Defaults to Block. *Optional* ``--activate_remote_site_settings ACTIVATEREMOTESITESETTINGS`` Activate Remote Site Settings when installing a package. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--password PASSWORD`` The installation key for the managed package. *Optional* ``--apex_compile_type APEXCOMPILETYPE`` For Unlocked Packages only, whether to compile Apex in the package only (`package`) or in the whole org (`all`). `all` is the default behavior. *Optional* ``--upgrade_type UPGRADETYPE`` For Unlocked Package upgrades only, whether to deprecate removed components (`deprecate-only`), delete them (`delete-only`), or delete and deprecate based on safety (`mixed`). `mixed` is the default behavior. *Optional* .. _install-managed-beta: install_managed_beta ========================================== **Description:** Installs the latest managed beta release **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.InstallPackageVersion Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run install_managed_beta`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the package to install. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Required* ``--version VERSION`` The version of the package to install. "latest" and "latest_beta" can be used to trigger lookup via Github Releases on the repository. Default: latest_beta ``--name NAME`` The name of the package to install. Defaults to project__package__name_managed *Optional* ``--version_number VERSIONNUMBER`` If installing a package using an 04t version Id, display this version number to the user and in logs. Has no effect otherwise. *Optional* ``--activateRSS ACTIVATERSS`` Deprecated. Use activate_remote_site_settings instead. *Optional* ``--retries RETRIES`` Number of retries (default=5) *Optional* ``--retry_interval RETRYINTERVAL`` Number of seconds to wait before the next retry (default=5), *Optional* ``--retry_interval_add RETRYINTERVALADD`` Number of seconds to add before each retry (default=30), *Optional* ``--interactive INTERACTIVE`` If True, stop after resolving the package version and output the package Id that will be installed. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--base_package_url_format BASEPACKAGEURLFORMAT`` If `interactive` is set to True, display package Ids using a format string ({} will be replaced with the package Id). *Optional* ``--security_type SECURITYTYPE`` Which Profiles to install packages for (FULL = all profiles, NONE = admins only, PUSH = no profiles, CUSTOM = custom profiles). Defaults to FULL. *Optional* ``--name_conflict_resolution NAMECONFLICTRESOLUTION`` Specify how to resolve name conflicts when installing an Unlocked Package. Available values are Block and RenameMetadata. Defaults to Block. *Optional* ``--activate_remote_site_settings ACTIVATEREMOTESITESETTINGS`` Activate Remote Site Settings when installing a package. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--password PASSWORD`` The installation key for the managed package. *Optional* ``--apex_compile_type APEXCOMPILETYPE`` For Unlocked Packages only, whether to compile Apex in the package only (`package`) or in the whole org (`all`). `all` is the default behavior. *Optional* ``--upgrade_type UPGRADETYPE`` For Unlocked Package upgrades only, whether to deprecate removed components (`deprecate-only`), delete them (`delete-only`), or delete and deprecate based on safety (`mixed`). `mixed` is the default behavior. *Optional* .. _list-communities: list_communities ========================================== **Description:** Lists Communities for the current org using the Connect API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.ListCommunities Lists Communities for the current org via the Connect API. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_communities`` .. _list-community-templates: list_community_templates ========================================== **Description:** Prints the Community Templates available to the current org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.ListCommunityTemplates Lists Salesforce Community templates available for the current org via the Connect API. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_community_templates`` .. _list-metadata-types: list_metadata_types ========================================== **Description:** Prints the metadata types in a project **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.util.ListMetadataTypes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_metadata_types`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package_xml PACKAGEXML`` The project package.xml file. Defaults to /src/package.xml *Optional* .. _list-nonsource-trackable-components: list_nonsource_trackable_components ========================================== **Description:** List the components of non source trackable Metadata types. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.nonsourcetracking.ListComponents Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_nonsource_trackable_components`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the API version used to list metadatatypes *Optional* ``--metadata_types METADATATYPES`` A comma-separated list of metadata types. *Optional* .. _list-nonsource-trackable-metadatatypes: list_nonsource_trackable_metadatatypes ========================================== **Description:** Returns non source trackable metadata types supported by org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.nonsourcetracking.ListNonSourceTrackable Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_nonsource_trackable_metadatatypes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the API version used to list metadatatypes *Optional* .. _meta-xml-apiversion: meta_xml_apiversion ========================================== **Description:** Set the API version in ``*meta.xml`` files **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metaxml.UpdateApi Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run meta_xml_apiversion`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--version VERSION`` API version number e.g. 37.0 *Required* ``--dir DIR`` Base directory to search for ``*-meta.xml`` files *Optional* .. _meta-xml-dependencies: meta_xml_dependencies ========================================== **Description:** Set the version for dependent packages **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metaxml.UpdateDependencies Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run meta_xml_dependencies`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--dir DIR`` Base directory to search for ``*-meta.xml`` files *Optional* .. _metadeploy-publish: metadeploy_publish ========================================== **Description:** Publish a release to the MetaDeploy web installer **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadeploy.Publish Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run metadeploy_publish`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--tag TAG`` Name of the git tag to publish *Optional* ``--commit COMMIT`` Commit hash to publish *Optional* ``--plan PLAN`` Name of the plan(s) to publish. This refers to the `plans` section of cumulusci.yml. By default, all plans will be published. *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` If True, print steps without publishing. *Optional* ``--publish PUBLISH`` If True, set is_listed to True on the version. Default: False *Optional* ``--labels_path LABELSPATH`` Path to a folder containing translations. *Optional* .. _org-settings: org_settings ========================================== **Description:** Apply org settings from a scratch org definition file or dict **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.org_settings.DeployOrgSettings Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run org_settings`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--definition_file DEFINITIONFILE`` sfdx scratch org definition file *Optional* ``--settings SETTINGS`` A dict of settings to apply *Optional* ``--object_settings OBJECTSETTINGS`` A dict of objectSettings to apply *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` API version used to deploy the settings *Optional* .. _promote-package-version: promote_package_version ========================================== **Description:** Promote a 2gp package so that it can be installed in a production org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.promote_package_version.PromotePackageVersion Promote a Second Generation package (managed or unlocked). Lists any 1GP dependencies that are detected, as well as any dependency packages that have not been promoted. Once promoted, the 2GP package can be installed into production orgs. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run promote_package_version`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The SubscriberPackageVersion (04t) Id for the target package. *Optional* ``--promote_dependencies PROMOTEDEPENDENCIES`` Automatically promote any unpromoted versions of dependency 2GP packages that are detected. *Optional* ``--install_key INSTALLKEY`` Install key for package. Default is no install key. *Optional* .. _publish-community: publish_community ========================================== **Description:** Publishes a Community in the target org using the Connect API **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.PublishCommunity Publish a Salesforce Community via the Connect API. Warning: This does not work with the Community Template 'VF Template' due to an existing bug in the API. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run publish_community`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--name NAME`` The name of the Community to publish. *Optional* ``--community_id COMMUNITYID`` The id of the Community to publish. *Optional* .. _push-all: push_all ========================================== **Description:** Schedules a push upgrade of a package version to all subscribers **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.tasks.SchedulePushOrgQuery Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_all`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version to push *Required* ``--subscriber_where SUBSCRIBERWHERE`` A SOQL style WHERE clause for filtering PackageSubscriber objects. Ex: OrgType = 'Sandbox' *Optional* ``--min_version MINVERSION`` If set, no subscriber with a version lower than min_version will be selected for push *Optional* ``--metadata_package_id METADATAPACKAGEID`` The MetadataPackageId (ID prefix `033`) to push. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The managed package namespace to push. Defaults to project__package__namespace. *Optional* ``--start_time STARTTIME`` Set the start time (ISO-8601) to queue a future push. (Ex: 2021-01-01T06:00Z or 2021-01-01T06:00-08:00) Times with no timezone will be interpreted as UTC. *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` If True, log how many orgs were selected but skip creating a PackagePushRequest. Defaults to False *Optional* .. _push-list: push_list ========================================== **Description:** Schedules a push upgrade of a package version to all orgs listed in the specified file **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.tasks.SchedulePushOrgList Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_list`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--csv CSV`` The path to a CSV file to read. *Optional* ``--csv_field_name CSVFIELDNAME`` The CSV field name that contains organization IDs. Defaults to 'OrganizationID' *Optional* ``--orgs ORGS`` The path to a file containing one OrgID per line. *Optional* ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version to push *Optional* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The MetadataPackageVersionId (ID prefix `04t`) to push *Optional* ``--metadata_package_id METADATAPACKAGEID`` The MetadataPackageId (ID prefix `033`) to push. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The managed package namespace to push. Defaults to project__package__namespace. *Optional* ``--start_time STARTTIME`` Set the start time (ISO-8601) to queue a future push. (Ex: 2021-01-01T06:00Z or 2021-01-01T06:00-08:00) Times with no timezone will be interpreted as UTC. *Optional* ``--batch_size BATCHSIZE`` Break pull requests into batches of this many orgs. Defaults to 200. *Optional* .. _push-qa: push_qa ========================================== **Description:** Schedules a push upgrade of a package version to all orgs listed in push/orgs_qa.txt **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.tasks.SchedulePushOrgList Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_qa`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--csv CSV`` The path to a CSV file to read. *Optional* ``--csv_field_name CSVFIELDNAME`` The CSV field name that contains organization IDs. Defaults to 'OrganizationID' *Optional* ``--orgs ORGS`` The path to a file containing one OrgID per line. Default: push/orgs_qa.txt ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version to push *Optional* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The MetadataPackageVersionId (ID prefix `04t`) to push *Optional* ``--metadata_package_id METADATAPACKAGEID`` The MetadataPackageId (ID prefix `033`) to push. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The managed package namespace to push. Defaults to project__package__namespace. *Optional* ``--start_time STARTTIME`` Set the start time (ISO-8601) to queue a future push. (Ex: 2021-01-01T06:00Z or 2021-01-01T06:00-08:00) Times with no timezone will be interpreted as UTC. *Optional* ``--batch_size BATCHSIZE`` Break pull requests into batches of this many orgs. Defaults to 200. *Optional* .. _push-sandbox: push_sandbox ========================================== **Description:** Schedules a push upgrade of a package version to sandbox orgs **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.tasks.SchedulePushOrgQuery Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_sandbox`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version to push *Required* ``--subscriber_where SUBSCRIBERWHERE`` A SOQL style WHERE clause for filtering PackageSubscriber objects. Ex: OrgType = 'Sandbox' Default: OrgType = 'Sandbox' ``--min_version MINVERSION`` If set, no subscriber with a version lower than min_version will be selected for push *Optional* ``--metadata_package_id METADATAPACKAGEID`` The MetadataPackageId (ID prefix `033`) to push. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The managed package namespace to push. Defaults to project__package__namespace. *Optional* ``--start_time STARTTIME`` Set the start time (ISO-8601) to queue a future push. (Ex: 2021-01-01T06:00Z or 2021-01-01T06:00-08:00) Times with no timezone will be interpreted as UTC. *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` If True, log how many orgs were selected but skip creating a PackagePushRequest. Defaults to False *Optional* .. _push-trial: push_trial ========================================== **Description:** Schedules a push upgrade of a package version to Trialforce Template orgs listed in push/orgs_trial.txt **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.tasks.SchedulePushOrgList Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_trial`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--csv CSV`` The path to a CSV file to read. *Optional* ``--csv_field_name CSVFIELDNAME`` The CSV field name that contains organization IDs. Defaults to 'OrganizationID' *Optional* ``--orgs ORGS`` The path to a file containing one OrgID per line. Default: push/orgs_trial.txt ``--version VERSION`` The managed package version to push *Optional* ``--version_id VERSIONID`` The MetadataPackageVersionId (ID prefix `04t`) to push *Optional* ``--metadata_package_id METADATAPACKAGEID`` The MetadataPackageId (ID prefix `033`) to push. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The managed package namespace to push. Defaults to project__package__namespace. *Optional* ``--start_time STARTTIME`` Set the start time (ISO-8601) to queue a future push. (Ex: 2021-01-01T06:00Z or 2021-01-01T06:00-08:00) Times with no timezone will be interpreted as UTC. *Optional* ``--batch_size BATCHSIZE`` Break pull requests into batches of this many orgs. Defaults to 200. *Optional* .. _push-failure-report: push_failure_report ========================================== **Description:** Produce a CSV report of the failed and otherwise anomalous push jobs. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.push.pushfails.ReportPushFailures Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run push_failure_report`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--request_id REQUESTID`` PackagePushRequest ID for the request you need to report on. *Required* ``--result_file RESULTFILE`` Path to write a CSV file with the results. Defaults to 'push_fails.csv'. *Optional* ``--ignore_errors IGNOREERRORS`` List of ErrorTitle and ErrorType values to omit from the report Default: ['Salesforce Subscription Expired', 'Package Uninstalled'] .. _query: query ========================================== **Description:** Queries the connected org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.SOQLQuery Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run query`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--object OBJECT`` The object to query *Required* ``--query QUERY`` A valid bulk SOQL query for the object *Required* ``--result_file RESULTFILE`` The name of the csv file to write the results to *Required* .. _retrieve-packaged: retrieve_packaged ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the packaged metadata from the org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.RetrievePackaged Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_packaged`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata Default: packaged ``--package PACKAGE`` The package name to retrieve. Defaults to project__package__name *Required* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the default api version for the retrieve. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Optional* .. _describe-metadatatypes: describe_metadatatypes ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the metadata types supported by the org based on the api version **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.DescribeMetadataTypes Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run describe_metadatatypes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the API version used to list metadatatypes *Optional* .. _retrieve-src: retrieve_src ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the packaged metadata into the src directory **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.RetrievePackaged Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata Default: src ``--package PACKAGE`` The package name to retrieve. Defaults to project__package__name *Required* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the default api version for the retrieve. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Optional* .. _retrieve-unpackaged: retrieve_unpackaged ========================================== **Description:** Retrieve the contents of a package.xml file. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.RetrieveUnpackaged Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_unpackaged`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata *Required* ``--package_xml PACKAGEXML`` The path to a package.xml manifest to use for the retrieve. *Required* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the default api version for the retrieve. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Optional* .. _list-changes: list_changes ========================================== **Description:** List the changes from a scratch org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.sourcetracking.ListChanges Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run list_changes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--include INCLUDE`` A comma-separated list of strings. Components will be included if one of these strings is part of either the metadata type or name. Example: ``-o include CustomField,Admin`` matches both ``CustomField: Favorite_Color__c`` and ``Profile: Admin`` *Optional* ``--types TYPES`` A comma-separated list of metadata types to include. *Optional* ``--exclude EXCLUDE`` Exclude changed components matching this string. *Optional* ``--snapshot SNAPSHOT`` If True, all matching items will be set to be ignored at their current revision number. This will exclude them from the results unless a new edit is made. *Optional* .. _retrieve-changes: retrieve_changes ========================================== **Description:** Retrieve changed components from a scratch org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.sourcetracking.RetrieveChanges Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_changes`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--include INCLUDE`` A comma-separated list of strings. Components will be included if one of these strings is part of either the metadata type or name. Example: ``-o include CustomField,Admin`` matches both ``CustomField: Favorite_Color__c`` and ``Profile: Admin`` *Optional* ``--types TYPES`` A comma-separated list of metadata types to include. *Optional* ``--exclude EXCLUDE`` Exclude changed components matching this string. *Optional* ``--snapshot SNAPSHOT`` If True, all matching items will be set to be ignored at their current revision number. This will exclude them from the results unless a new edit is made. *Optional* ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the default api version for the retrieve. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Optional* ``--retrieve_complete_profile RETRIEVECOMPLETEPROFILE`` If set to True, will use RetrieveProfile to retrieve the complete profile. Default is set to False *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject *Optional* .. _retrieve-nonsource-trackable: retrieve_nonsource_trackable ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the non source trackable components filtered **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.nonsourcetracking.RetrieveComponents Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_nonsource_trackable`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the API version used to list metadatatypes *Optional* ``--metadata_types METADATATYPES`` A comma-separated list of metadata types. *Optional* ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata *Optional* ``--include INCLUDE`` Components will be included if one of these namesis part of either the metadata type or name. Example: ``-o include CustomField,Admin`` matches both ``CustomField: Favorite_Color__c`` and ``Profile: Admin`` *Optional* ``--exclude EXCLUDE`` Exclude components matching this name. *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject *Optional* .. _retrieve-qa-config: retrieve_qa_config ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves the current changes in the scratch org into unpackaged/config/qa **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.sourcetracking.RetrieveChanges Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run retrieve_qa_config`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--include INCLUDE`` A comma-separated list of strings. Components will be included if one of these strings is part of either the metadata type or name. Example: ``-o include CustomField,Admin`` matches both ``CustomField: Favorite_Color__c`` and ``Profile: Admin`` *Optional* ``--types TYPES`` A comma-separated list of metadata types to include. *Optional* ``--exclude EXCLUDE`` Exclude changed components matching this string. *Optional* ``--snapshot SNAPSHOT`` If True, all matching items will be set to be ignored at their current revision number. This will exclude them from the results unless a new edit is made. *Optional* ``--path PATH`` The path to write the retrieved metadata Default: unpackaged/config/qa ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Override the default api version for the retrieve. Defaults to project__package__api_version *Optional* ``--retrieve_complete_profile RETRIEVECOMPLETEPROFILE`` If set to True, will use RetrieveProfile to retrieve the complete profile. Default is set to False *Optional* ``--namespace_tokenize NAMESPACETOKENIZE`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are replaced with tokens for use with namespace_inject Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace .. _set-field-help-text: set_field_help_text ========================================== **Description:** Sets specified fields' Help Text values. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.help_text.SetFieldHelpText Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run set_field_help_text`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--fields FIELDS`` List of object fields to affect, in Object__c.Field__c form. *Required* ``--overwrite OVERWRITE`` If set to True, overwrite any differing Help Text found on the field. By default, Help Text is set only if it is blank. *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _snapshot-changes: snapshot_changes ========================================== **Description:** Tell SFDX source tracking to ignore previous changes in a scratch org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.sourcetracking.SnapshotChanges Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run snapshot_changes`` .. _snowfakery: snowfakery ========================================== **Description:** Generate and load data from a Snowfakery recipe **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.snowfakery.Snowfakery Do a data load with Snowfakery. All options are optional. The most commonly supplied options are `recipe` and one of the three `run_until_...` options. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run snowfakery`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--recipe RECIPE`` Path to a Snowfakery recipe file determining what data to generate and load. Default: datasets/recipe.yml ``--run_until_records_in_org RUNUNTILRECORDSINORG`` : Run the recipe repeatedly until the count of in the org matches the given . For example, `--run_until_records_in_org Account:50_000` means: Count the Account records in the org. Let’s say the number is 20,000. Thus, we must run the recipe over and over again until we generate 30,000 new Account records. If the recipe also generates e.g.Contacts, Opportunities or whatever else, it generates the appropriate number of them to match. Underscores are allowed but optional in big numbers: 2000000 is the same as 2_000_000. *Optional* ``--run_until_records_loaded RUNUNTILRECORDSLOADED`` : Run the recipe repeatedly until the number of records of uploaded in this task execution matches . For example, `--run_until_records_loaded Account:50_000` means: Run the recipe over and over again until we generate 50_000 new Account records. If the recipe also generates e.g. Contacts, Opportunities or whatever else, it generates the appropriate number of them to match. *Optional* ``--run_until_recipe_repeated RUNUNTILRECIPEREPEATED`` Run the recipe times, no matter what data is already in the org. For example, `--run_until_recipe_repeated 50_000` means run the recipe 50_000 times. *Optional* ``--working_directory WORKINGDIRECTORY`` Path for temporary / working files *Optional* ``--loading_rules LOADINGRULES`` Path to .load.yml file containing rules to use to load the file. Defaults to `.load.yml`. Multiple files can be comma separated. *Optional* ``--recipe_options RECIPEOPTIONS`` Pass values to override options in the format VAR1:foo,VAR2:bar Example: --recipe_options weight:10,color:purple *Optional* ``--bulk_mode BULKMODE`` Set to Serial to serialize everything: data generation, data loading, data ingestion through bulk API. Parallel is the default. *Optional* ``--drop_missing_schema DROPMISSINGSCHEMA`` Set to True to skip any missing objects or fields instead of stopping with an error. *Optional* ``--num_processes NUMPROCESSES`` Number of data generating processes. Defaults to matching the number of CPUs. *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` Boolean: should we continue loading even after running into row errors? Defaults to False. *Optional* .. _revert-managed-src: revert_managed_src ========================================== **Description:** Reverts the changes from create_managed_src **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.managed_src.RevertManagedSrc Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run revert_managed_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path containing metadata to process for managed deployment Default: src ``--revert_path REVERTPATH`` The path to copy the original metadata to for the revert call Default: src.orig .. _revert-unmanaged-ee-src: revert_unmanaged_ee_src ========================================== **Description:** Reverts the changes from create_unmanaged_ee_src **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.ee_src.RevertUnmanagedEESrc Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run revert_unmanaged_ee_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path containing metadata to process for managed deployment Default: src ``--revert_path REVERTPATH`` The path to copy the original metadata to for the revert call Default: src.orig .. _robot: robot ========================================== **Description:** Runs a Robot Framework test from a .robot file **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.robotframework.Robot Runs Robot test cases using a browser, if necessary and stores its results in a directory. The path to the directory can be retrieved from the ``robot_outputdir`` return variable. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run robot`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--suites SUITES`` Paths to test case files/directories to be executed similarly as when running the robot command on the command line. Defaults to "tests" to run all tests in the tests directory Default: tests ``--test TEST`` Run only tests matching name patterns. Can be comma separated and use robot wildcards like * *Optional* ``--include INCLUDE`` Includes tests with a given tag pattern *Optional* ``--exclude EXCLUDE`` Excludes tests with a given tag pattern. Excluded tests will not appear in the logs and reports. *Optional* ``--skip SKIP`` Do not run tests with the given tag pattern. Similar to 'exclude', but skipped tests will appear in the logs and reports with the status of SKIP. *Optional* ``--vars VARS`` Pass values to override variables in the format VAR1:foo,VAR2:bar *Optional* ``--xunit XUNIT`` Set an XUnit format output file for test results *Optional* ``--sources SOURCES`` List of sources defined in cumulusci.yml that are required by the robot task. *Optional* ``--options OPTIONS`` A dictionary of options to robot.run method. In simple cases this can be specified on the comand line using name:value,name:value syntax. More complex cases can be specified in cumulusci.yml using YAML dictionary syntax. *Optional* ``--name NAME`` Sets the name of the top level test suite *Optional* ``--pdb PDB`` If true, run the Python debugger when tests fail. *Optional* ``--verbose VERBOSE`` If true, log each keyword as it runs. *Optional* ``--robot_debug ROBOTDEBUG`` If true, enable the `breakpoint` keyword to enable the robot debugger *Optional* ``--ordering ORDERING`` Path to a file which defines the order in which parallel tests are run. This maps directly to the pabot option of the same name. It is ignored unless the processes argument is set to 2 or greater. *Optional* ``--processes PROCESSES`` *experimental* Number of processes to use for running tests in parallel. If this value is set to a number larger than 1 the tests will run using the open source tool pabot rather than robotframework. For example, -o parallel 2 will run half of the tests in one process and half in another. If not provided, all tests will run in a single process using the standard robot test runner. See https://pabot.org/ for more information on pabot. *Optional* ``--testlevelsplit TESTLEVELSPLIT`` If true, split parallel execution at the test level rather than the suite level. This option is ignored unless the processes option is set to 2 or greater. Note: this option requires a boolean value even though the pabot option of the same name does not. *Optional* .. _robot-libdoc: robot_libdoc ========================================== **Description:** Generates documentation for project keyword files **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.robotframework.RobotLibDoc Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run robot_libdoc`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to one or more keyword libraries to be documented. The path can be single a python file, a .robot file, a python module (eg: cumulusci.robotframework.Salesforce) or a comma separated list of any of those. Glob patterns are supported for filenames (eg: ``robot/SAL/doc/*PageObject.py``). The order of the files will be preserved in the generated documentation. The result of pattern expansion will be sorted *Required* ``--output OUTPUT`` The output file where the documentation will be written. Normally an HTML file will be generated. If the filename ends with '.csv' then a csv file will be generated instead. Default: Keywords.html ``--title TITLE`` A string to use as the title of the generated output Default: $project_config.project__package__name ``--preview PREVIEW`` If True, automatically open a window to view the generated data when the task is successful *Optional* .. _robot-testdoc: robot_testdoc ========================================== **Description:** Generates html documentation of your Robot test suite and writes to tests/test_suite. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.robotframework.RobotTestDoc Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run robot_testdoc`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path containing .robot test files Default: tests ``--output OUTPUT`` The output html file where the documentation will be written Default: tests/test_suites.html .. _run-tests: run_tests ========================================== **Description:** Runs all apex tests **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.apex.testrunner.RunApexTests Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run run_tests`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--test_name_match TESTNAMEMATCH`` Pattern to find Apex test classes to run ("%" is wildcard). Defaults to project__test__name_match from project config. Comma-separated list for multiple patterns. *Optional* ``--test_name_exclude TESTNAMEEXCLUDE`` Query to find Apex test classes to exclude ("%" is wildcard). Defaults to project__test__name_exclude from project config. Comma-separated list for multiple patterns. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` Salesforce project namespace. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, search for tests in the namespace only. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--poll_interval POLLINTERVAL`` Seconds to wait between polling for Apex test results. *Optional* ``--junit_output JUNITOUTPUT`` File name for JUnit output. Defaults to test_results.xml *Optional* ``--json_output JSONOUTPUT`` File name for json output. Defaults to test_results.json *Optional* ``--retry_failures RETRYFAILURES`` A list of regular expression patterns to match against test failures. If failures match, the failing tests are retried in serial mode. *Optional* ``--retry_always RETRYALWAYS`` By default, all failures must match retry_failures to perform a retry. Set retry_always to True to retry all failed tests if any failure matches. *Optional* ``--required_org_code_coverage_percent PERCENTAGE`` Require at least X percent code coverage across the org following the test run. *Optional* ``--required_per_class_code_coverage_percent REQUIREDPERCLASSCODECOVERAGEPERCENT`` Require at least X percent code coverage for every class in the org. *Optional* ``--verbose VERBOSE`` By default, only failures get detailed output. Set verbose to True to see all passed test methods. *Optional* ``--test_suite_names TESTSUITENAMES`` Accepts a comma-separated list of test suite names. Only runs test classes that are part of the test suites specified. *Optional* .. _set-duplicate-rule-status: set_duplicate_rule_status ========================================== **Description:** Sets the active status of Duplicate Rules. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.SetDuplicateRuleStatus Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run set_duplicate_rule_status`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--active ACTIVE`` Boolean value, set the Duplicate Rule to either active or inactive *Required* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _set-object-settings: set_object_settings ========================================== **Description:** Enable and disable object level settings on standard and custom objects **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.SetObjectSettings Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run set_object_settings`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--enable ENABLE`` Array of object settings to enable. Uses the setting name. Available values: Activities, BulkApi, Feeds, History, Licensing, Reports, Search, Sharing, StreamingApi *Optional* ``--disable DISABLE`` Array of object settings to disable. Uses the setting name. Available values: Activities, BulkApi, Feeds, History, Licensing, Reports, Search, Sharing, StreamingApi *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _set-organization-wide-defaults: set_organization_wide_defaults ========================================== **Description:** Sets the Organization-Wide Defaults for specific sObjects, and waits for sharing recalculation to complete. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.SetOrgWideDefaults Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run set_organization_wide_defaults`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--org_wide_defaults ORGWIDEDEFAULTS`` The target Organization-Wide Defaults, organized as a list with each element containing the keys api_name, internal_sharing_model, and external_sharing_model. This option must be specified in YAML configuration and will not work if passed via the CLI. NOTE: you must have External Sharing Model turned on in Sharing Settings to use the latter feature. *Required* ``--timeout TIMEOUT`` The max amount of time to wait in seconds *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _strip-unwanted-components: strip_unwanted_components ========================================== **Description:** Removes components from src folder which are not mentioned in given package.xml file **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.package.RemoveUnwantedComponents Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run strip_unwanted_components`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to a folder of metadata to strip the components Default: src ``--package_xml PACKAGEXML`` The path to package xml file to refer Default: src/package.xml .. _uninstall-managed: uninstall_managed ========================================== **Description:** Uninstalls the managed version of the package **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallPackage Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_managed`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the package to uninstall. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Required* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Required* .. _uninstall-packaged: uninstall_packaged ========================================== **Description:** Uninstalls all deleteable metadata in the package in the target org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallPackaged Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_packaged`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package PACKAGE`` The package name to uninstall. All metadata from the package will be retrieved and a custom destructiveChanges.xml package will be constructed and deployed to delete all deleteable metadata from the package. Defaults to project__package__name *Required* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Required* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` Perform a dry run of the operation without actually deleting any components, and display the components that would be deleted. *Optional* .. _uninstall-packaged-incremental: uninstall_packaged_incremental ========================================== **Description:** Deletes any metadata from the package in the target org not in the local workspace **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallPackagedIncremental Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_packaged_incremental`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The local path to compare to the retrieved packaged metadata from the org. Defaults to src. *Required* ``--package PACKAGE`` The package name to uninstall. All metadata from the package will be retrieved and a custom destructiveChanges.xml package will be constructed and deployed to delete all deleteable metadata from the package. Defaults to project__package__name. *Required* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True. *Required* ``--ignore IGNORE`` Components to ignore in the org and not try to delete. Mapping of component type to a list of member names. *Optional* ``--ignore_types IGNORETYPES`` List of component types to ignore in the org and not try to delete. Defaults to ['RecordType', 'CustomObjectTranslation']. *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` Perform a dry run of the operation without actually deleting any components, and display the components that would be deleted. *Optional* .. _uninstall-src: uninstall_src ========================================== **Description:** Uninstalls all metadata in the local src directory **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallLocal Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_src`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the metadata source to be deployed Default: src ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` Perform a dry run of the operation without actually deleting any components, and display the components that would be deleted. *Optional* .. _uninstall-pre: uninstall_pre ========================================== **Description:** Uninstalls the unpackaged/pre bundles **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallLocalBundles Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_pre`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to the metadata source to be deployed Default: unpackaged/pre ``--unmanaged UNMANAGED`` If True, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix *Optional* ``--namespace_strip NAMESPACESTRIP`` If set, all namespace prefixes for the namespace specified are stripped from files and filenames *Optional* ``--check_only CHECKONLY`` If True, performs a test deployment (validation) of components without saving the components in the target org *Optional* ``--collision_check COLLISIONCHECK`` If True, performs a collision check with metadata already present in the target org *Optional* ``--test_level TESTLEVEL`` Specifies which tests are run as part of a deployment. Valid values: NoTestRun, RunLocalTests, RunAllTestsInOrg, RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--specified_tests SPECIFIEDTESTS`` Comma-separated list of test classes to run upon deployment. Applies only with test_level set to RunSpecifiedTests. *Optional* ``--static_resource_path STATICRESOURCEPATH`` The path where decompressed static resources are stored. Any subdirectories found will be zipped and added to the staticresources directory of the build. *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_ORG%%% and ___NAMESPACED_ORG___ will get replaced with the namespace. The default is false causing those tokens to get stripped and replaced with an empty string. Set this if deploying to a namespaced scratch org or packaging org. *Optional* ``--clean_meta_xml CLEANMETAXML`` Defaults to True which strips the element from all meta.xml files. The packageVersion element gets added automatically by the target org and is set to whatever version is installed in the org. To disable this, set this option to False *Optional* ``--transforms TRANSFORMS`` Apply source transforms before deploying. See the CumulusCI documentation for details on how to specify transforms. *Optional* ``--rest_deploy RESTDEPLOY`` If True, deploy metadata using REST API *Optional* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Optional* ``--dry_run DRYRUN`` Perform a dry run of the operation without actually deleting any components, and display the components that would be deleted. *Optional* .. _uninstall-post: uninstall_post ========================================== **Description:** Uninstalls the unpackaged/post bundles **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UninstallLocalNamespacedBundles Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run uninstall_post`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to a directory containing the metadata bundles (subdirectories) to uninstall Default: unpackaged/post ``--filename_token FILENAMETOKEN`` The path to the parent directory containing the metadata bundles directories Default: ___NAMESPACE___ ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Required* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, will insert the actual namespace prefix. Defaults to False or no namespace *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace to replace the token with if in managed mode. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Optional* .. _unschedule-apex: unschedule_apex ========================================== **Description:** Unschedule all scheduled apex jobs (CronTriggers). **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.apex.anon.AnonymousApexTask Use the `apex` option to run a string of anonymous Apex. Use the `path` option to run anonymous Apex from a file. Or use both to concatenate the string to the file contents. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run unschedule_apex`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to an Apex file to run. *Optional* ``--apex APEX`` A string of Apex to run (after the file, if specified). Default: for (CronTrigger t : [SELECT Id FROM CronTrigger]) { System.abortJob(t.Id); } ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, will insert the project's namespace prefix. Defaults to False or no namespace. *Optional* ``--namespaced NAMESPACED`` If True, the tokens %%%NAMESPACED_RT%%% and %%%namespaced%%% will get replaced with the namespace prefix for Record Types. *Optional* ``--param1 PARAM1`` Parameter to pass to the Apex. Use as %%%PARAM_1%%% in the Apex code. Defaults to an empty value. *Optional* ``--param2 PARAM2`` Parameter to pass to the Apex. Use as %%%PARAM_2%%% in the Apex code. Defaults to an empty value. *Optional* .. _update-admin-profile: update_admin_profile ========================================== **Description:** Retrieves, edits, and redeploys the Admin.profile with full FLS perms for all objects/fields **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.ProfileGrantAllAccess Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run update_admin_profile`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--package_xml PACKAGEXML`` Override the default package.xml file for retrieving the Admin.profile and all objects and classes that need to be included by providing a path to your custom package.xml *Optional* ``--record_types RECORDTYPES`` A list of dictionaries containing the required key `record_type` with a value specifying the record type in format .. Record type names can use the token strings {managed} and {namespaced_org} for namespace prefix injection as needed. By default, all listed record types will be set to visible and not default. Use the additional keys `visible`, `default`, and `person_account_default` set to true/false to override. Page Layout Support: If you are using the Page Layouts feature, you can specify the `page_layout` key with the layout name to use for the record type. If not specified, the default page layout will be used. NOTE: Setting record_types is only supported in cumulusci.yml, command line override is not supported. *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, uses the namespace prefix where appropriate. Use if running against an org with the managed package installed. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--namespaced_org NAMESPACEDORG`` If True, attempts to prefix all unmanaged metadata references with the namespace prefix for deployment to the packaging org or a namespaced scratch org. Defaults to False *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Optional* ``--profile_name PROFILENAME`` Name of the Profile to target for updates (deprecated; use api_names to target multiple profiles). *Optional* ``--include_packaged_objects INCLUDEPACKAGEDOBJECTS`` Automatically include objects from all installed managed packages. Defaults to True in projects that require CumulusCI 3.9.0 and greater that don't use a custom package.xml, otherwise False. *Optional* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of Profiles to affect *Optional* .. _update-dependencies: update_dependencies ========================================== **Description:** Installs all dependencies in project__dependencies into the target org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.UpdateDependencies Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run update_dependencies`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--dependencies DEPENDENCIES`` List of dependencies to update. Defaults to project__dependencies. Each dependency is a dict with either 'github' set to a github repository URL or 'namespace' set to a Salesforce package namespace. GitHub dependencies may include 'tag' to install a particular git ref. Package dependencies may include 'version' to install a particular version. *Optional* ``--ignore_dependencies IGNOREDEPENDENCIES`` List of dependencies to be ignored, including if they are present as transitive dependencies. Dependencies can be specified using the 'github' or 'namespace' keys (all other keys are not used). Note that this can cause installations to fail if required prerequisites are not available. *Optional* ``--purge_on_delete PURGEONDELETE`` Sets the purgeOnDelete option for the deployment. Defaults to True *Optional* ``--include_beta INCLUDEBETA`` Install the most recent release, even if beta. Defaults to False. This option is only supported for scratch orgs, to avoid installing a package that can't be upgraded in persistent orgs. *Optional* ``--allow_newer ALLOWNEWER`` Deprecated. This option has no effect. *Optional* ``--prefer_2gp_from_release_branch PREFER2GPFROMRELEASEBRANCH`` If True and this build is on a release branch (feature/NNN, where NNN is an integer), or a child branch of a release branch, resolve GitHub managed package dependencies to 2GP builds present on a matching release branch on the dependency. *Optional* ``--resolution_strategy RESOLUTIONSTRATEGY`` The name of a sequence of resolution_strategy (from project__dependency_resolutions) to apply to dynamic dependencies. *Optional* ``--packages_only PACKAGESONLY`` Install only packaged dependencies. Ignore all unmanaged metadata. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--interactive INTERACTIVE`` If True, stop after identifying all dependencies and output the package Ids that will be installed. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--base_package_url_format BASEPACKAGEURLFORMAT`` If `interactive` is set to True, display package Ids using a format string ({} will be replaced with the package Id). *Optional* ``--security_type SECURITYTYPE`` Which Profiles to install packages for (FULL = all profiles, NONE = admins only, PUSH = no profiles, CUSTOM = custom profiles). Defaults to FULL. *Optional* ``--name_conflict_resolution NAMECONFLICTRESOLUTION`` Specify how to resolve name conflicts when installing an Unlocked Package. Available values are Block and RenameMetadata. Defaults to Block. *Optional* ``--activate_remote_site_settings ACTIVATEREMOTESITESETTINGS`` Activate Remote Site Settings when installing a package. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--apex_compile_type APEXCOMPILETYPE`` For Unlocked Packages only, whether to compile Apex in the package only (`package`) or in the whole org (`all`). `all` is the default behavior. *Optional* ``--upgrade_type UPGRADETYPE`` For Unlocked Package upgrades only, whether to deprecate removed components (`deprecate-only`), delete them (`delete-only`), or delete and deprecate based on safety (`mixed`). `mixed` is the default behavior. *Optional* .. _update-metadata-first-child-text: update_metadata_first_child_text ========================================== **Description:** Updates the text of the first child of Metadata with matching tag. Adds a child for tag if it does not exist. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.UpdateMetadataFirstChildTextTask Metadata ETL task to update a single child element's text within metadata XML. If the child doesn't exist, the child is created and appended to the Metadata. Furthermore, the ``value`` option is namespaced injected if the task is properly configured. Example: Assign a Custom Object's Compact Layout ------------------------------------------------ Researching `CustomObject `_ in the Metadata API documentation or even retrieving the CustomObject's Metadata for inspection, we see the ``compactLayoutAssignment`` Field. We want to assign a specific Compact Layout for our Custom Object, so we write the following CumulusCI task in our project's ``cumulusci.yml``. .. code-block:: yaml tasks: assign_compact_layout: class_path: cumulusci.tasks.metadata_etl.UpdateMetadataFirstChildTextTask options: managed: False namespace_inject: $project_config.project__package__namespace entity: CustomObject api_names: OurCustomObject__c tag: compactLayoutAssignment value: "%%%NAMESPACE%%%DifferentCompactLayout" # We include a namespace token so it's easy to use this task in a managed context. Suppose the original CustomObject metadata XML looks like: .. code-block:: xml ... OriginalCompactLayout ... After running ``cci task run assign_compact_layout``, the CustomObject metadata XML is deployed as: .. code-block:: xml ... DifferentCompactLayout ... Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run update_metadata_first_child_text`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--metadata_type METADATATYPE`` Metadata Type *Required* ``--tag TAG`` Targeted tag. The text of the first instance of this tag within the metadata entity will be updated. *Required* ``--value VALUE`` Desired value to set for the targeted tag's text. This value is namespace-injected. *Required* ``--api_names APINAMES`` List of API names of entities to affect *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If False, changes namespace_inject to replace tokens with a blank string *Optional* ``--namespace_inject NAMESPACEINJECT`` If set, the namespace tokens in files and filenames are replaced with the namespace's prefix Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--api_version APIVERSION`` Metadata API version to use, if not project__package__api_version. *Optional* .. _update-package-xml: update_package_xml ========================================== **Description:** Updates src/package.xml with metadata in src/ **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.package.UpdatePackageXml Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run update_package_xml`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` The path to a folder of metadata to build the package.xml from Default: src ``--output OUTPUT`` The output file, defaults to /package.xml *Optional* ``--package_name PACKAGENAME`` If set, overrides the package name inserted into the element *Optional* ``--managed MANAGED`` If True, generate a package.xml for deployment to the managed package packaging org *Optional* ``--delete DELETE`` If True, generate a package.xml for use as a destructiveChanges.xml file for deleting metadata *Optional* ``--install_class INSTALLCLASS`` Specify post install class file to be used. Defaults to what is set in project config *Optional* ``--uninstall_class UNINSTALLCLASS`` Specify post uninstall class file to be used. Defaults to what is set in project config *Optional* .. _upload-beta: upload_beta ========================================== **Description:** Uploads a beta release of the metadata currently in the packaging org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.PackageUpload Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run upload_beta`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--name NAME`` The name of the package version. *Required* ``--production PRODUCTION`` If True, uploads a production release. Defaults to uploading a beta *Optional* ``--description DESCRIPTION`` A description of the package and what this version contains. *Optional* ``--password PASSWORD`` An optional password for sharing the package privately with anyone who has the password. Don't enter a password if you want to make the package available to anyone on AppExchange and share your package publicly. *Optional* ``--post_install_url POSTINSTALLURL`` The fully-qualified URL of the post-installation instructions. Instructions are shown as a link after installation and are available from the package detail view. *Optional* ``--release_notes_url RELEASENOTESURL`` The fully-qualified URL of the package release notes. Release notes are shown as a link during the installation process and are available from the package detail view after installation. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the package. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Optional* ``--resolution_strategy RESOLUTIONSTRATEGY`` The name of a sequence of resolution_strategy (from project__dependency_resolutions) to apply to dynamic dependencies. Defaults to 'production'. *Optional* ``--major_version MAJORVERSION`` The desired major version number for the uploaded package. Defaults to latest major version. *Optional* ``--minor_version MINORVERSION`` The desired minor version number for the uploaded package. Defaults to next available minor version for the current major version. *Optional* .. _upload-production: upload_production ========================================== **Description:** Uploads a production release of the metadata currently in the packaging org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.PackageUpload Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run upload_production`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--name NAME`` The name of the package version. Default: Release ``--production PRODUCTION`` If True, uploads a production release. Defaults to uploading a beta Default: True ``--description DESCRIPTION`` A description of the package and what this version contains. *Optional* ``--password PASSWORD`` An optional password for sharing the package privately with anyone who has the password. Don't enter a password if you want to make the package available to anyone on AppExchange and share your package publicly. *Optional* ``--post_install_url POSTINSTALLURL`` The fully-qualified URL of the post-installation instructions. Instructions are shown as a link after installation and are available from the package detail view. *Optional* ``--release_notes_url RELEASENOTESURL`` The fully-qualified URL of the package release notes. Release notes are shown as a link during the installation process and are available from the package detail view after installation. *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the package. Defaults to project__package__namespace *Optional* ``--resolution_strategy RESOLUTIONSTRATEGY`` The name of a sequence of resolution_strategy (from project__dependency_resolutions) to apply to dynamic dependencies. Defaults to 'production'. *Optional* ``--major_version MAJORVERSION`` The desired major version number for the uploaded package. Defaults to latest major version. *Optional* ``--minor_version MINORVERSION`` The desired minor version number for the uploaded package. Defaults to next available minor version for the current major version. *Optional* .. _upload-user-profile-photo: upload_user_profile_photo ========================================== **Description:** Uploads a profile photo for a specified or default User. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.photos.UploadProfilePhoto Uploads a profile photo for a specified or default User. Examples -------- Upload a profile photo for the default user. .. code-block:: yaml tasks: upload_profile_photo_default: group: Internal storytelling data class_path: cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.UploadProfilePhoto description: Uploads a profile photo for the default user. options: photo: storytelling/photos/default.png Upload a profile photo for a user whose Alias equals ``grace`` or ``walker``, is active, and created today. .. code-block:: yaml tasks: upload_profile_photo_grace: group: Internal storytelling data class_path: cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.users.UploadProfilePhoto description: Uploads a profile photo for Grace. options: photo: storytelling/photos/grace.png where: (Alias = 'grace' OR Alias = 'walker') AND IsActive = true AND CreatedDate = TODAY Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run upload_user_profile_photo`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--photo PHOTO`` Path to user's profile photo. *Required* ``--where WHERE`` WHERE clause used querying for which User to upload the profile photo for. * No need to prefix with ``WHERE`` * The SOQL query must return one and only one User record. * If no "where" is supplied, uploads the photo for the org's default User. *Optional* .. _util-sleep: util_sleep ========================================== **Description:** Sleeps for N seconds **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.util.Sleep Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run util_sleep`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--seconds SECONDS`` The number of seconds to sleep Default: 5 .. _log: log ========================================== **Description:** Log a line at the info level. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.util.LogLine Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run log`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--level LEVEL`` The logger level to use Default: info ``--line LINE`` A formatstring like line to log *Required* ``--format_vars FORMATVARS`` A Dict of format vars *Optional* .. _generate-dataset-mapping: generate_dataset_mapping ========================================== **Description:** Create a mapping for extracting data from an org. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.GenerateMapping Generate a mapping file for use with the `extract_dataset` and `load_dataset` tasks. This task will examine the schema in the specified org and attempt to infer a mapping suitable for extracting data in packaged and custom objects as well as customized standard objects. Mappings must be serializable, and hence must resolve reference cycles - situations where Object A refers to B, and B also refers to A. Mapping generation will stop and request user input to resolve such cycles by identifying the correct load order. If you would rather the mapping generator break such a cycle randomly, set the `break_cycles` option to `auto`. Alternately, specify the `ignore` option with the name of one of the lookup fields to suppress it and break the cycle. `ignore` can be specified as a list in `cumulusci.yml` or as a comma-separated string at the command line. In most cases, the mapping generated will need minor tweaking by the user. Note that the mapping omits features that are not currently well supported by the `extract_dataset` and `load_dataset` tasks, such as references to the `User` object. Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run generate_dataset_mapping`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--path PATH`` Location to write the mapping file Default: datasets/mapping.yml ``--namespace_prefix NAMESPACEPREFIX`` The namespace prefix to use Default: $project_config.project__package__namespace ``--ignore IGNORE`` Object API names, or fields in Object.Field format, to ignore *Optional* ``--break_cycles BREAKCYCLES`` If the generator is unsure of the order to load, what to do? Set to `ask` (the default) to allow the user to choose or `auto` to pick randomly. *Optional* ``--include INCLUDE`` Object names to include even if they might not otherwise be included. *Optional* ``--strip_namespace STRIPNAMESPACE`` If True, CumulusCI removes the project's namespace where found in fields and objects to support automatic namespace injection. On by default. *Optional* .. _extract-dataset: extract_dataset ========================================== **Description:** Extract a sample dataset using the bulk API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.ExtractData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run extract_dataset`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--mapping MAPPING`` The path to a yaml file containing mappings of the database fields to Salesforce object fields Default: datasets/mapping.yml ``--database_url DATABASEURL`` A DATABASE_URL where the query output should be written *Optional* ``--sql_path SQLPATH`` If set, an SQL script will be generated at the path provided This is useful for keeping data in the repository and allowing diffs. Default: datasets/sample.sql ``--inject_namespaces INJECTNAMESPACES`` If True, the package namespace prefix will be automatically added to (or removed from) objects and fields based on the name used in the org. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--drop_missing_schema DROPMISSINGSCHEMA`` Set to True to skip any missing objects or fields instead of stopping with an error. *Optional* .. _load-dataset: load_dataset ========================================== **Description:** Load a SQL dataset using the bulk API. **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.bulkdata.load.LoadData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run load_dataset`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--database_url DATABASEURL`` The database url to a database containing the test data to load *Optional* ``--mapping MAPPING`` The path to a yaml file containing mappings of the database fields to Salesforce object fields *Optional* ``--start_step STARTSTEP`` If specified, skip steps before this one in the mapping *Optional* ``--sql_path SQLPATH`` If specified, a database will be created from an SQL script at the provided path *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` If True, allow the load to continue even if individual rows fail to load. *Optional* ``--reset_oids RESETOIDS`` If True (the default), and the _sf_ids tables exist, reset them before continuing. *Optional* ``--bulk_mode BULKMODE`` Set to Serial to force serial mode on all jobs. Parallel is the default. *Optional* ``--inject_namespaces INJECTNAMESPACES`` If True, the package namespace prefix will be automatically added to (or removed from) objects and fields based on the name used in the org. Defaults to True. *Optional* ``--drop_missing_schema DROPMISSINGSCHEMA`` Set to True to skip any missing objects or fields instead of stopping with an error. *Optional* ``--set_recently_viewed SETRECENTLYVIEWED`` By default, the first 1000 records inserted via the Bulk API will be set as recently viewed. If fewer than 1000 records are inserted, existing objects of the same type being inserted will also be set as recently viewed. *Optional* ``--org_shape_match_only ORGSHAPEMATCHONLY`` When True, all path options are ignored and only a dataset matching the org shape name will be loaded. Defaults to False. *Optional* ``--enable_rollback ENABLEROLLBACK`` When True, performs rollback operation incase of error. Defaults to False *Optional* .. _load-sample-data: load_sample_data ========================================== **Description:** Load a saved sample dataset (experimental) **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sample_data.load_sample_data.LoadSampleData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run load_sample_data`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--dataset DATASET`` The name of the dataset. If none is provided, it will use the scratch org config name (e.g. 'dev', 'qa') or fall back to 'default'. *Optional* ``--ignore_row_errors IGNOREROWERRORS`` If True, allow the load to continue even if individual rows fail to load. *Optional* ``--drop_missing_schema DROPMISSINGSCHEMA`` Set to True to skip any missing objects or fields instead of stopping with an error. *Optional* ``--set_recently_viewed SETRECENTLYVIEWED`` By default, the first 1000 records inserted via the Bulk API will be set as recently viewed. If fewer than 1000 records are inserted, existing objects of the same type being inserted will also be set as recently viewed. *Optional* .. _capture-sample-data: capture_sample_data ========================================== **Description:** Load a saved sample dataset (experimental) **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.sample_data.capture_sample_data.CaptureSampleData Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run capture_sample_data`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--dataset DATASET`` The name of the dataset. If none is provided, it will use 'default'. Names that match scratch org config names (such as 'dev', 'qa') will be loaded into those orgs by the CumulusCI default org setup flows. *Optional* ``--extraction_definition EXTRACTIONDEFINITION`` A file describing what to be extracted. Defaults to `datasets/{datasetname}/{datasetname}.extract.yml` if it exists. *Optional* ``--loading_rules LOADINGRULES`` Path to .load.yml file containing rules to use when loading the mapping. Defaults to`datasets/{datasetname}/{datasetname}.load.yml` if it exists. Multiple files can be comma separated. *Optional* .. _load-custom-settings: load_custom_settings ========================================== **Description:** Load Custom Settings specified in a YAML file to the target org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.LoadCustomSettings Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run load_custom_settings`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--settings_path SETTINGSPATH`` The path to a YAML settings file *Required* .. _remove-metadata-xml-elements: remove_metadata_xml_elements ========================================== **Description:** Remove specified XML elements from one or more metadata files **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.metadata.modify.RemoveElementsXPath Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run remove_metadata_xml_elements`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--xpath XPATH`` An XPath specification of elements to remove. Supports the re: regexp function namespace. As in re:match(text(), '.*__c')Use ns: to refer to the Salesforce namespace for metadata elements.for example: ./ns:Layout/ns:relatedLists (one-level) or //ns:relatedLists (recursive)Many advanced examples are available here: https://github.com/SalesforceFoundation/NPSP/blob/26b585409720e2004f5b7785a56e57498796619f/cumulusci.yml#L342 *Optional* ``--path PATH`` A path to the files to change. Supports wildcards including ** for directory recursion. More info on the details: https://www.poftut.com/python-glob-function-to-match-path-directory-file-names-with-examples/ https://www.tutorialspoint.com/How-to-use-Glob-function-to-find-files-recursively-in-Python *Optional* ``--elements ELEMENTS`` A list of dictionaries containing path and xpath keys. Multiple dictionaries can be passed in the list to run multiple removal queries in the same task. This parameter is intended for usages invoked as part of a cumulusci.yml . *Optional* ``--chdir CHDIR`` Change the current directory before running the replace *Optional* .. _disable-tdtm-trigger-handlers: disable_tdtm_trigger_handlers ========================================== **Description:** Disable specified TDTM trigger handlers **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.trigger_handlers.SetTDTMHandlerStatus Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run disable_tdtm_trigger_handlers`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--handlers HANDLERS`` List of Trigger Handlers (by Class, Object, or 'Class:Object') to affect (defaults to all handlers). *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the Trigger Handler object ('eda' or 'npsp'). The task will apply the namespace if needed. *Optional* ``--active ACTIVE`` True or False to activate or deactivate trigger handlers. *Optional* ``--restore_file RESTOREFILE`` Path to the state file to store or restore the current trigger handler state. Set to False to discard trigger state information. By default the state is cached in an org-specific directory for later restore. *Optional* ``--restore RESTORE`` If True, restore the state of Trigger Handlers to that stored in the (specified or default) restore file. *Optional* .. _restore-tdtm-trigger-handlers: restore_tdtm_trigger_handlers ========================================== **Description:** Restore status of TDTM trigger handlers **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.salesforce.trigger_handlers.SetTDTMHandlerStatus Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run restore_tdtm_trigger_handlers`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--handlers HANDLERS`` List of Trigger Handlers (by Class, Object, or 'Class:Object') to affect (defaults to all handlers). *Optional* ``--namespace NAMESPACE`` The namespace of the Trigger Handler object ('eda' or 'npsp'). The task will apply the namespace if needed. *Optional* ``--active ACTIVE`` True or False to activate or deactivate trigger handlers. *Optional* ``--restore_file RESTOREFILE`` Path to the state file to store or restore the current trigger handler state. Set to False to discard trigger state information. By default the state is cached in an org-specific directory for later restore. *Optional* ``--restore RESTORE`` If True, restore the state of Trigger Handlers to that stored in the (specified or default) restore file. Default: True .. _vlocity-pack-export: vlocity_pack_export ========================================== **Description:** Executes the `vlocity packExport` command against an org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.vlocity.vlocity.VlocityRetrieveTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run vlocity_pack_export`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--job_file JOBFILE`` Filepath to the jobfile *Required* ``--extra EXTRA`` Any extra arguments to pass to the vlocity CLI *Optional* .. _vlocity-pack-deploy: vlocity_pack_deploy ========================================== **Description:** Executes the `vlocity packDeploy` command against an org **Class:** cumulusci.tasks.vlocity.vlocity.VlocityDeployTask Command Syntax ------------------------------------------ ``$ cci task run vlocity_pack_deploy`` Options ------------------------------------------ ``--job_file JOBFILE`` Filepath to the jobfile *Required* ``--extra EXTRA`` Any extra arguments to pass to the vlocity CLI *Optional* ``--npm_auth_key_env NPMAUTHKEYENV`` Environment variable storing an auth token for the Vlocity NPM Repository (npmAuthKey). If defined, appended to the job file. *Optional*