Managing Locators#

The keywords that come with CumulusCI are based on the open source keyword library SeleniumLibrary. This library supports multiple ways to reference an element: by XPath, by CSS selector, by id, by text, and so on. SeleniumLibrary calls these location strategies.

You can specify a strategy by providing a prefix to the locator. For example:

  • id:123 specifies an element with an id of 123

  • xpath://div[text()='Hello, world'] lets you specify an element by an xpath expression

  • css:div.slds-spinner defines an object by its css path


You can find the full list of supported locator strategies in the section titled Explicit locator strategy in the SeleniumLibrary documentation.

In this section, we’ll show how to create a project-specific locator strategy by storing locators in a dictionary and then associating them with a custom prefix.

Storing locators in a dictionary#

The first step toward creating custom locator strategies with the locator manager is to define your project’s locators in a dictionary. If you have just a handful of locators you can define them directly in a keyword library. You can also save them in a separate file.

If you need to be able to run tests against a prerelease org you might want to store your locators in two files: one for the current release and one for the prerelease. You can then import the appropriate version at runtime.


In order to keep the examples short we’re only going to focus on supporting one release at a time in this documentation.

The locator dictionary can include nested dictionaries, so you can organize locators into logical groups. Each leaf node can be any locator string supported by SeleniumLibrary. Notice that these locator strings can include locators of different types.

For example, consider the following set of locators which we might find in a library of keywords for dealing with the calendar tab:

locators = {
    "sidebar": {
        "options button": "css:a[role='button'][title='Calendar Options']",
        "new button": "css:a[role='menuitem'][title='New Calendar']",
    "modal": {
        "window": "xpath://div[@role='dialog'][.//h2[.='Create Calendar']]",
        "next button": "css:a.wzButtonSaveAndNext",

We’ve organized the locators into two logical groupings: one related to elements on the sidebar, and one related to elements of a modal window. Notice also that three of the locators are CSS selectors and one is an XPath.


Dictionaries can be nested as deeply as you want, but it’s rarely necessary to have locators more than a couple of levels deep.

Registering the locator dictionary#

SeleniumLibrary provides a way to register custom location strategies via the Add Location Strategy keyword. While it’s possible to write your own strategies using keywords, the locator manager makes it easy to associate a locator prefix with a dictionary of locators.

This registration is done via the register_locators method of the locator manager, and should be done in the __init__ method of a keyword library.

For example, here is what it might look like for a library that contains keywords for the calendar tab.

from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
from cumulusci.robotframework import locator_manager

locators = {...}  ## see previous example

class CalendarLibrary:

    def __init__(self):
        locator_manager.register_locators("calendar", locators)

When this library is imported into a test case file, the prefix “calendar” is registered with SeleniumLibrary as a custom locator strategy.

Using custom locators#

Once the dictionary has been defined and has been registered with a prefix, the locators work very similarly to any other locator. If the dictionaries are nested, you can separate the levels with a period (ie: dot notation).

For example, with our example locators the options button locator can be used like this:

Click element   calendar:sidebar.options button

The following table shows how the locator is parsed:

calendar: locator prefix

sidebar first level of the dictionary (eg: locators['sidebar'])

. a level separator

options button the next level of a nested dictionary (eg: locators['sidebar']['options_button'])

Parameterized Locators#

Sometimes the only difference between multiple elements on a page is the text displayed in that element. For example, the html markup for a save, edit, and cancel button may be identical except for the word “Save”, “Edit”, or “Cancel”.

While you can create a separate locator for each button, it’s better to use a single parameterized locator for multiple buttons, which gives you more flexibility.

Notice in our calendar locators we have one locator for a menuitem with the title of ‘New Calendar’:

locators = {
    "new_button": "css:a[role='menuitem'][title='New Calendar']",

For a calendar menu with multiple menuitems, you can use a unique locator for each, or a single parameterized locator so that you only need to maintain one locator.

To create a locator with one or more parameters, replace a portion of the locator with [{}]{.title-ref} like this:

locators = {
    "menu_item": "css:a[role='menuitem'][title='{}']",

When you use the locator, you can pass one or more parameters by specfying a comma separated list of values after a colon. For example:

Click element  calendar:sidebar.menu_item:New Calendar

The [{}]{.title-ref} placeholders are replaced with the parameter values, in order. For example, the title in the above example becomes [New Calendar]{.title-ref}.


If your locator has more than one parameter (ie: more than one instance of [{}]{.title-ref} within the locator definition), parameters will be replaced in the order in which they are supplied. The first parameter after the [:]{.title-ref} and before a comma will be used in place of the first [{}]{.title-ref}, the next parameter will be used in place of the next [{}]{.title-ref}, and so on.